Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
3 min readJun 10, 2024


The enduring blessing

Reflections on Genesis 22:18

In the biblical narratives, Genesis 22:18 stands out as a pivotal moment, not only in the life of Abraham but also in the overarching story of God’s interaction with humanity.

This verse encapsulates a promise that extends beyond the immediate context, reaching into the future to touch all generations.

The promise of universal blessing

The verse speaks of a universal blessing, one that would emanate from Abraham’s obedience and extend to “all the nations of the earth.”

This is no small statement; it is a declaration of God’s intention to bring about restoration and wholeness through a lineage that would be marked by faithfulness.

It is a promise that looks forward to the inclusivity of God’s plan, where every nation, tribe, and tongue would find a blessing that originates from the heart of the Creator.

The legacy of obedience

Abraham’s journey was marked by a series of steps taken in obedience to God’s voice.

From leaving his homeland to the binding of Isaac, Abraham’s life was a testament to the power of listening and responding to God’s directives.

Genesis 22:18 serves as a reminder that our actions have the potential to echo into eternity.

The blessings we experience and pass on are not merely for our benefit but are designed to ripple through time, impacting lives far beyond our own.

The continuity of divine favour

The favour of God is described as something that is not stagnant. It is dynamic, moving, and alive, passing from one generation to the next.

This intergenerational blessing is a testament to God’s enduring faithfulness.

It is a favour that does not expire with the setting of the sun but continues to dawn anew with each rising generation.

The call to heed and obey

Finally, the verse calls us to a posture of attentiveness and obedience. To listen to God’s voice is to position ourselves in the flow of divine blessing.

It is an invitation to align our actions with the purposes of God, knowing that in doing so, we become conduits of blessing to the world around us.

The benefits of such obedience are not confined to our lifespan; they extend beyond, offering hope and promise to those who will come after us.

Genesis 22:18 is a beacon of hope, a reminder of God’s grand narrative of blessing that invites us to participate in something much larger than ourselves.

It challenges us to live lives marked by obedience, knowing that our faithfulness has the power to bless nations and shape the future.

Let us, therefore, listen and obey, embracing the fullness of God’s plan for us and for the world.

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Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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