Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
2 min readApr 4, 2024


The essence of forgiveness: Tears and Introspection in Spiritual Practice

In the quiet moments of self-reflection, individuals often confront the mosaic of their past, examining each fragment — the sins, the errors, and the roads not taken.

It’s in these profound instants of contemplation that one seeks solace in the divine, yearning for forgiveness and absolution from a higher power.

The role of tears in spiritual cleansing

Tears are not merely a physical response but a cathartic release, a language without words that expresses the deepest stirrings of the soul.

In many spiritual traditions, tears are seen as purifying agents, the saline waters that can cleanse the stains of transgressions. They are the silent prayers that rise from the heart, seeking mercy and grace.

Beyond fasting: The inner journey

Fasting, particularly during sacred times like Ramadan, is often misconstrued as a mere abstention from food and drink.

However, its essence lies far deeper. It’s a ritual that symbolizes the hunger of the soul for righteousness and the thirst for divine connection.

It’s not the emptiness of the stomach that brings one closer to the divine but the fullness of the heart with humility and repentance.

The intensity of divine connection

The act of bowing one’s head, of diminishing one’s ego in the presence of the Almighty, is a powerful gesture of surrender.

It’s an acknowledgment of one’s limitations and an appeal to the boundless compassion of the Creator.

This intense connection with God, this complete submission, is what elevates the human spirit and aligns it with the celestial.

The path to forgiveness

Forgiveness is not an entitlement nor a reward for mere ritualistic practices. It is earned through genuine feelings of remorse, through the tears shed in silent prayers, and through the sincere efforts to connect with the divine.

As one stands in the presence of God, stripped of pretenses and pride, it is then that the soul finds its true liberation and peace.

In this journey of spiritual awakening, every tear shed in genuine repentance is a step towards redemption, a testament to the transformative power of faith and the infinite mercy of the divine.



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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