Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
2 min readAug 3, 2024


The guardian angels

Psalm 91:11

“He will give His angels orders concerning you, to protect you in all your ways.” – Psalm 91:11

In the symphony of divine providence, this verse plays a sweet refrain—a promise of celestial guardianship. Let’s explore its profound melody:

1. The angelic host
“Oh, how great is the Lord’s love and care for you and me.”

Imagine a celestial host—angelic beings, messengers of God. Their wings brush against eternity; their eyes behold both realms.

They’re not distant observers; they’re active participants. When we walk, they walk beside us. When we sleep, they stand guard. Their orders? To protect.

2. Never abandoned
“He will never abandon us, and He will give His angels charge over us.”

We’re not orphans in the universe; we’re children of the Most High. Our Father doesn’t delegate care; He oversees it. His angels—swift, vigilant—watch over us.

When danger whispers, they respond. We’re not alone; we’re surrounded.

3. Constant care
“As His faithful children, we are under His constant care.”

Our relationship isn’t contractual; it’s familial. We’re not clients; we’re heirs. His care isn’t sporadic; it’s perpetual.

When we stumble, His angels steady us. When we wander, they redirect. Our ways—every step—are known, guarded, guided.

4. Love’s leading
“In His love and care for us, He will lead, guide, and protect us in ALL our ways.”

His love isn’t passive; it’s active. He leads us—through valleys, up mountains. His angels aren’t mere spectators; they’re sentinels. When we’re lost, they whisper direction.

When we’re threatened, they shield. Our journey isn’t aimless; it’s orchestrated.

Psalm 91:11 invites us to dance with the angels—to trust that our steps matter, our paths are guarded.

So let us echo these words in the quiet of our souls: “He will give His angels orders concerning us.”

May their wings brush our lives, and their presence remind us: we’re cherished, protected, loved.

Embark on a transformative journey with Mabule Lekete’s “Beyond Invisibility: Crafting Success for Generation Alpha.”

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Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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