Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
3 min readMay 6, 2024


The LORD will provide: A reflection on divine providence

In the faith narratives, few resonate as profoundly as the account of Abraham and Isaac, where Abraham names the place of his trial ‘The LORD will provide.’

This declaration is not merely a statement of relief or gratitude; it is a profound acknowledgment of a fundamental truth that has comforted countless souls through the ages: the Lord is our Provider.

Divine character: The nature of provision

To understand the depth of this provision, one must consider the character of God. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, God is often depicted as a shepherd, a figure of guidance, care, and sustenance.

The shepherd’s role is to ensure that the flock lacks nothing, leading them to pastures green and waters still.

This pastoral imagery encapsulates the essence of divine provision: a constant, nurturing presence that meets needs even before they arise.

The visibility of needs

Our needs are as visible to God as a lighthouse beam cutting through the fog. They are not mere entries on a divine ledger but are deeply personal to a God who sees and understands.

This visibility is not passive; it is coupled with a promise of action. The scriptures are replete with assurances that call upon the faithful to cast their burdens upon the Lord, who will sustain them.

The assurance of supply

The narrative of provision is not one of scarcity but of abundance. It speaks to a divine economy that operates beyond human understanding, where loaves and fishes multiply, and water springs forth in the desert.

The Lord’s provision is not bound by the limitations of human resources or the constraints of circumstance.

It is an assurance that transcends the material, offering not only bread for the body but also peace for the soul.

The pathway through trials

The journey of faith is often marked by trials, moments where the chasm between need and fulfillment seems insurmountable.

Yet, it is in these moments that the promise of provision shines brightest. The Lord’s ways are not always predictable, but they are always purposeful.

He makes a way where there seems to be none, turning valleys of trouble into doorways of hope.

The everlasting provider

As we reflect on the meaning of ‘The LORD will provide,’ we are reminded of the enduring nature of divine provision.

It is not confined to a single place or moment in history but is an ongoing, ever-present promise. It is an invitation to trust, to believe that our needs, seen and unseen, are known to a Provider whose character is to supply, sustain, and surpass all expectations.

In the end, the message is clear: the Lord will come through for us, not just in material ways, but in providing strength, comfort, and hope.

It is a message that encourages us to look beyond our immediate circumstances and trust in the providential care of the One who promises to meet our needs according to the riches of His glory.



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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