Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
2 min readApr 12, 2024


The new deal: Paving the way for sustainable urbanization

Urbanization is a powerful force across the globe, and its management is pivotal for the sustainable development of cities.

The Integrated Urban Development Framework (IUDF) presents a transformative approach to urban growth in South Africa, encapsulating a vision for creating compact, connected, and coordinated cities.

This article delves into the strategic goals of the IUDF, which are instrumental in achieving a sustainable urbanization model.

Spatial integration
The cornerstone of the IUDF is spatial integration, which seeks to reshape the urban landscape. By fostering new spatial forms in settlements, transport, social, and economic domains, the framework aims to create an environment where infrastructure and services are harmoniously integrated, promoting efficiency and connectivity.

Inclusion and access
Inclusion and access are vital to ensuring that all citizens can partake in the city’s offerings. The IUDF emphasizes the importance of providing access to social and economic services, opportunities, and choices.

This inclusivity is essential for fostering a sense of belonging and participation among residents.

Harnessing urban dynamism for growth is another strategic goal of the IUDF. The framework recognizes the potential of urban areas to drive inclusive and sustainable economic development.

By tapping into this dynamism, cities can become engines of growth that benefit all sectors of society.

Effective governance is the glue that holds the strategic goals together. Enhancing the capacity of the state and its citizens to collaborate is crucial for achieving spatial and social integration.

Good governance practices ensure that urban development is equitable and reflective of the community’s needs.

The nine policy levers
The IUDF outlines nine policy levers that serve as the operational arms of the strategic goals:

Integrated urban planning: Establishing a foundation for integrated urban development.

Integrated transport: Informing the development of human settlements.

Targeted investments: Focusing on integrated human settlements.

Integrated infrastructure: Building network systems that support urban life.

Efficient land governance: Managing land resources wisely.

Economic diversification and inclusion: Promoting varied economic activities and inclusive growth.

Empowered communities: Ensuring that communities have a voice and agency.

Effective governance: Implementing policies and actions efficiently.

Financial reform: Securing the financial sustainability of urban development initiatives.

These levers are designed to address the structural drivers that perpetuate the status quo, steering urban growth towards a model that is sustainable, equitable, and responsive to the needs of all citizens.

The IUDF’s New Deal for South African cities and towns is a bold step towards spatial transformation.

It is a comprehensive plan that not only addresses the current challenges of urbanization but also lays the groundwork for a future where cities are vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable.

By aligning strategic goals with actionable policy levers, the IUDF sets a precedent for urban development that other nations can look to as a model for their own urbanization strategies.



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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