Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
2 min readOct 15, 2023


The Sorghum Farmer Who Became a Writer: A Story of Hardship, Hope, and Happiness

He endured the heat, the dust, and the lies, but he discovered his passion, his purpose, and his peace.

The Struggle of a Sorghum Farmer. He had worked on a sorghum farm for a day, pulling sorghum in the July heat of South Africa.

He prayed all that day, begging God to deliver him from the sorghum, from the farm, from the hardship.

He made a vow that if he survived that day, he would never come back there again. He had done so many hard things in his life, but this was the hardest.

He had helped a neighbor of his put on a rubber roof for a week, and in the last two days, they had shoveled rocks and buckets, taking them up a ladder.

They had carried them across a huge building, much bigger than the one he was in now, and poured them out on one side.

They had done that for two dump trucks full of rocks. They had shoveled rocks for two days, carried them up a ladder.

All because he had a family to take care of, and he had to work hard. He was tired of working hard. He was tired of buying into the lies that he had to do more, have more, be more.

He was not saying that working hard was not good. Working hard was good. Being diligent was good. But it was not a guarantee of success.

It was not a magic formula that would make him rich and happy. It was only a way of making him stronger.

He realized that hard work was not an end in itself, but a means to an end. He realized that he had to work smart, not just hard. He realized that he had to find his purpose, his passion, his calling.

He realized that he had to live for something bigger than himself, something that would give him joy and peace.

He decided to quit the sorghum farm, and the rubber roof, and the rocks. He decided to pursue his dream of becoming a writer.

He decided to share his story with the world, hoping to inspire others who were struggling like him. He decided to work hard for something that mattered to him, something that would make him successful in his own terms.



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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