Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
3 min read4 days ago


The unchanging goodness of God

Heavenly gifts

Discover the assurance and generosity in James 1:17

In a world where change is constant, James 1:17 offers a powerful promise: “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, Who does not change like shifting shadows.”

This verse is a profound reminder of God’s unwavering goodness and generosity. Let’s explore how this promise can bring assurance and joy to your life.

The source of all goodness
The Lord is the Source of everything that is good and perfect. This means that every blessing, every joy, and every good thing in our lives originates from God.

He is the ultimate Giver, and His gifts are always perfect and beneficial. Recognizing God as the source of all goodness helps us to appreciate and be grateful for the blessings we receive.

The giver of every gift
HE is the Giver of every gift and blessing we can know in life. God’s generosity knows no bounds. He delights in giving us good things, not because we deserve them, but because of His boundless love and grace.

This understanding encourages us to trust in His provision and to look to Him for all our needs.

A generous and unchanging character
His character is not to withhold but rather to give, and give liberally. God’s nature is inherently generous.

He does not withhold good things from us but rather gives abundantly. This generosity is a reflection of His loving and gracious character.

Knowing that God is always ready to bless us helps us to approach Him with confidence and trust.

Dependable and unchanging
We can depend on this aspect of His nature because He does not change. Unlike the shifting shadows, God’s character remains constant.

His goodness, generosity, and love are unchanging. This reliability provides us with a solid foundation for our faith.

We can trust that God will always be good and generous, regardless of our circumstances.

Embracing God’s goodness

Acknowledge His generosity: Reflect on the truth that every good and perfect gift comes from God. Let this knowledge fill you with gratitude and appreciation.

Trust in His provision: When you have needs, turn to God with confidence, knowing that He is a generous Giver who delights in blessing you.

Depend on His unchanging nature: In times of uncertainty, remind yourself that God’s character does not change. Trust in His consistent goodness and love.

Share His blessings: As you receive God’s blessings, look for opportunities to share them with others. Reflect His generosity in your own actions.

James 1:17 is a powerful reminder of God’s unwavering goodness and generosity. It assures us that every good and perfect gift comes from Him, and that His character is unchanging.

By acknowledging His generosity, trusting in His provision, depending on His unchanging nature, and sharing His blessings, we can experience the fullness of God’s promise.

Remember, the Lord is the source of all goodness, and His gifts are always perfect. Let this promise bring assurance and joy to your life, knowing that you are always held in the loving and generous hands of God.

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Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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