Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
2 min readApr 30, 2024


The Voice of the Good Shepherd: Tuning In to Divine Guidance

In the cacophony of life’s relentless demands, the verse John 10:27 emerges as a serene call to simplicity and faith.

It reads, ‘My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me.’ This passage is a profound reminder of the intimate relationship between the divine and the devout, a connection that transcends the noise of our daily existence.

The Privilege of Divine Communication

The notion of being able to listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd is a privilege that carries with it a sense of comfort and security.

It suggests that there is a voice of pure truth and love that knows us deeply and desires to lead us towards pastures of peace and prosperity.

This voice is not one of coercion but of gentle guidance, offering a path for those who choose to hear and heed its call.

Discerning the Voice Among Many

In a world brimming with voices vying for our attention, the challenge lies in discerning which to pay attention to.

The voice of the Good Shepherd stands out as a beacon of clarity against the backdrop of life’s distractions.

It does not compete in volume or vehemence but resonates with the innermost parts of our being, where truth is recognized and embraced.

The Call to Follow

To listen is one thing; to follow is another. The verse calls us not only to hear but to act—to follow the leading of the Good Shepherd.

This following is an act of trust, a step of faith into the unknown, guided by the conviction that the voice we are heeding is one of wisdom and benevolence.

John 10:27 is not merely a verse; it is an invitation to a way of life. It invites us to quiet our hearts amidst the turmoil, to listen for the voice that knows us by name, and to follow with the assurance that this voice leads us to a place of lasting fulfillment and joy.

In a world where many voices clamor for our allegiance, may we find the clarity and courage to listen to and follow the voice of the Good Shepherd.



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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