Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
3 min readAug 21, 2024


Trusting God from youth to adulthood

Unshakeable hope

Discover the lifelong assurance of Psalm 71:5
In the journey of life, Psalm 71:5 offers a timeless assurance: “You are my hope; O Lord GOD, You are my trust and the source of my confidence from my youth.”

This verse is a powerful reminder of God’s unwavering presence and reliability. Let’s explore how this promise can bring hope and confidence to every stage of your life.

The Lord as your hope and confidence
Psalm 71:5 declares that the Lord is our hope and confidence. This means that from a young age, we can place our trust in God, knowing that He is our steadfast source of security.

Unlike worldly assurances that may falter, God’s promises are unchanging and eternal. By making Him our hope, we anchor our lives in His unshakeable foundation.

Growing in hope through trust
Trusting in the Lord is not a one-time event but a lifestyle. As we continually place our trust in Him, our hope grows stronger.

This ongoing relationship with God nurtures our faith and builds our confidence. Each experience of His faithfulness reinforces our trust, enabling us to face life’s challenges with greater assurance.

It’s never too late to trust
One of the most encouraging aspects of Psalm 71:5 is the reminder that it is never too late to start trusting in God.

Whether you have known Him from your youth or are just beginning your journey of faith, His arms are always open.

God welcomes us at any stage of life, ready to be our hope and confidence. No matter your past, you can begin to trust Him today and experience His transformative power.

Your situation is not a lost cause
The promise of Psalm 71:5 assures us that our situation is never a lost cause. God is capable of turning things around, no matter how dire they may seem.

His power to deliver and restore is limitless. By placing our hope in Him, we open ourselves to His miraculous interventions.

Trusting in God means believing that He can bring good out of any circumstance.

Embracing God’s hope
Make God Your Hope: Reflect on the areas of your life where you need hope and confidence. Consciously place your trust in God, knowing that He is your steadfast source.

Cultivate trust as a lifestyle: Develop a habit of trusting God in all situations. Spend time in prayer, reading His Word, and recalling His past faithfulness to strengthen your trust.

Start trusting today: If you haven’t already, begin your journey of trust in God today. It’s never too late to experience His love and faithfulness.

Believe in His power to transform: No matter your current situation, believe that God can turn it around. Trust in His ability to bring about positive change and restoration.

Psalm 71:5 is a powerful reminder of God’s unwavering presence and reliability. It assures us that He is our hope and confidence from youth to adulthood.

By making trust in God a lifestyle, we can grow in hope and face life’s challenges with assurance.

Remember, it’s never too late to start trusting in Him, and your situation is never a lost cause. Embrace the promise of Psalm 71:5 and let it bring hope and confidence to every aspect of your life.

Embark on a transformative journey with Mabule Lekete’s “Beyond Invisibility: Crafting Success for Generation Alpha.”

This insightful book is not just a read; it’s an experience that promises to shape the minds and futures of the next generation.

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Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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