Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
2 min readApr 19, 2024


Trusting the unchanging God: Psalm 22:4

In the sacred verses of Psalm 22:4, we find a timeless truth that resonates across generations. The words echo through the corridors of history, reminding us of the unwavering faith of our forefathers:

“Our fathers trusted in You; they trusted, and You delivered them.”

The immutable one
The Lord, unlike the shifting shadows of this world, stands firm and unyielding. His character is not subject to the whims of time or circumstance.

He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. In a world where everything seems transient, His constancy provides an anchor for our souls.

A legacy of trust
As we journey through the ages, we encounter countless stories of those who placed their trust in the Almighty.

From Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac to Daniel’s unwavering faith in the lion’s den, the annals of faith are filled with examples of men and women who dared to believe in the unseen.

Our fathers, too, leaned upon the Lord. They faced trials, battles, and uncertainties, yet their trust remained unshaken.

They knew that the God who parted the Red Sea, who guided them through the wilderness, and who provided manna from heaven was faithful. Their trust was not misplaced; it was rewarded with deliverance.

Dependence on His character
As we stand on the threshold of our own challenges, we can draw strength from their legacy. When life’s storms rage and doubts assail us, we can lean into the unchanging character of God.

His love, mercy, and sovereignty remain steadfast. When we trust Him, we tap into a reservoir of grace that sustains us through every trial.

Faithfulness personified
The Lord’s faithfulness is not a mere concept; it is a living reality. It is the hand that steadies us when we stumble, the light that guides us through the darkest nights.

As we trust Him, we discover that His promises are not empty words—they are the bedrock of our hope.

So, dear reader, take heart. Just as our fathers trusted and were delivered, so can we. The God who parted seas, silenced storms, and conquered death is still at work.

His faithfulness endures, and His arms are open wide to receive our trust.

May we, like those who came before us, find solace in the unchanging God. As we lift our eyes to the heavens, let our hearts echo the ancient refrain:

“Our fathers trusted in You; they trusted, and You delivered them.”

In this trust, we find our refuge, our strength, and our eternal hope. 🙏✨



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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