Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
2 min readMar 27, 2024


Unlocking eternal bliss: The chara chronicles

Discover the Ancient Secret That Transforms Joy into Grace

Prepare to embark on a soul-stirring journey as we delve into the mystical realms of joy, grace, and the celestial dance that binds them.

The Divine Essence of Joy
“Chara”: The Unfading Radiance of Grace

In the tapestry of human emotions, joy stands as a luminous thread, woven with threads of hope, gratitude, and wonder.

It transcends mere happiness, reaching into the depths of our souls. But what is joy, truly? To unravel its essence, we journey to ancient Greece, where the word “Chara” emerges—a beacon of light that illuminates the path to true joy.

Chara: A Greek Revelation
Chara, the Greek translation for joy, derives from Charis, meaning grace.

This linguistic connection is no coincidence; it reveals a profound truth. Joy is not a fleeting emotion, subject to the whims of circumstance. Instead, it flows from the wellspring of divine grace.

The divine source
Charis of GOD—the inexhaustible grace bestowed upon humanity—is the genesis of joy. It emanates from the heart of the Creator, a gift freely given.

Unlike human-based happiness, which dances on the surface, joy descends from celestial realms. It is the echo of eternity, resonating within mortal souls.

The paradox of joy
Joy defies logic. It thrives in adversity, blossoming even in the barren soil of suffering. When life’s storms rage, joy stands unwavering—a lighthouse guiding ships through tempests. It is not a reward for good behavior but a revelation of grace.

The dance of joy
Imagine joy as a celestial dance. Its choreography is not taught; it is whispered by the wind, etched in starlight.

We join this cosmic waltz, our steps synchronized with the heartbeat of grace. In moments of awe—the birth of a child, a sunrise over distant peaks, or a shared laugh with a friend—joy pirouettes, inviting us to twirl in its embrace.

The Holy Spirit’s gift
Joy, elusive yet ever-present, is a gift of the Holy Spirit. It cannot be manufactured or grasped; it must be received.

When we surrender our striving, our need for control, we open our hands to receive this ethereal treasure. It is not something we achieve but something we allow to flow through us.

So, dear seeker of joy, remember this: It is not found in possessions, achievements, or fleeting pleasures.

Instead, it resides in the quiet chambers of the soul, where grace and gratitude intertwine. Embrace it, for joy is the language of eternity—a melody sung by the Divine.

“And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13)

May the grace of Charis fill your heart, and may joy dance within your spirit, like sunlight filtering through ancient olive leaves. 🌟🕊️



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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