Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
3 min readJul 13, 2024


Waiting on the Lord

Lessons from Genesis 49:18

“Our LORD, I am waiting for You to save us.” – Genesis 49:18

Life often presents us with moments of waiting. We wait for answers, for breakthroughs, and for God’s intervention.

In these seasons of waiting, our faith is tested, and our trust in the Lord deepens. Genesis 49:18 captures this sentiment beautifully as Jacob, nearing the end of his life, speaks a prayer of longing and hope.

Genesis 49 records Jacob’s blessings and prophecies over his twelve sons. Each son receives a unique word from their father, revealing their future roles and destinies.

In verse 18, Jacob addresses his son Zebulun:

“Zebulun shall dwell at the shore of the sea; he shall become a haven for ships, and his border shall be at Sidon.”

But it’s the opening phrase that resonates across generations: “Our LORD, I am waiting for You to save us.”

Lessons from Jacob’s Prayer
1. The waiting period
Jacob’s prayer acknowledges waiting. He doesn’t demand immediate answers or instant deliverance.

Instead, he recognizes that sometimes there’s a gap between our prayers and God’s response. Waiting isn’t passive; it’s an active posture of trust.

2. Noah’s waiting
Jacob’s words echo the waiting Noah experienced during the flood. Noah waited inside the ark, trusting God’s promise of safety.

The waters receded, and God’s salvation came. Noah’s patience teaches us that God’s timing is perfect—even when it seems delayed.

3. David’s waiting
David, too, knew waiting intimately. As a young shepherd, he waited for God’s anointing to manifest.

Later, as a fugitive from Saul, he waited in caves and wilderness. But God’s promises sustained him. David’s life reminds us that waiting refines our character and draws us closer to God.

4. Living with hope
Jacob’s prayer doesn’t end in despair. He clings to hope. Even in the waiting, he trusts that God will save.

Our waiting isn’t futile; it’s purposeful. We keep believing, keep trusting, and keep living with hope.

Pray with Patience: When you pray, remember Jacob’s words. Trust that God hears you, even when the answer seems distant.

Patience is part of faith.
Learn from Noah and David: Study their stories. Reflect on how they waited faithfully.

Their examples encourage us to endure and remain steadfast.

Hope anchored in God: Our hope isn’t in circumstances; it’s in the unchanging character of God. He is our Savior, and His timing is perfect.

“Our LORD, I am waiting for You to save us.” These words echo through time, reminding us that waiting isn’t wasted time.

It’s an opportunity to deepen our relationship with God, to grow in faith, and to live with unwavering hope.

So let us, like Jacob, keep on believing, keep on trusting, and keep on living with hope. Our salvation is assured, and the Lord is faithful.

May your waiting be filled with faith, and may you find strength in the promise of God’s deliverance.

Embark on a transformative journey with Mabule Lekete’s “Beyond Invisibility: Crafting Success for Generation Alpha.”

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Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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