Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
2 min readApr 7, 2024


When God opens our eyes: Finding the well of water

In the vast desert, where the sun blazes mercilessly and the arid winds whip up sandstorms, Hagar, the maidservant of Sarah, found herself lost and desperate.

She carried within her the promise of a son, Ishmael, but now, with no water left, she feared for their lives.

The scorching sands stretched endlessly, mirages playing tricks on her parched mind. In her desperation, she placed her son under a shrub, unable to bear watching him suffer.

Genesis 21:19 recounts a pivotal moment in Hagar’s life: “Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water.”

Imagine the relief that flooded her heart when she beheld that life-giving oasis. But this verse holds deeper truths that resonate with us today.

1. The chaos of Life

Life often mirrors the desert—unpredictable, harsh, and chaotic. We stumble through our own wilderness, blinded by circumstances, fears, and doubts.

Like Hagar, we may feel lost, abandoned, and unable to find a way out. The well of provision seems elusive, hidden beneath layers of struggle.

2. The hidden solution

Yet, just as God opened Hagar’s eyes to the well, He longs to reveal solutions to our dilemmas.

Sometimes, the answers are right before us, obscured by our limited perspective.

We search frantically for miracles, unaware that they may be within arm’s reach.

Perhaps the very thing we need is right in front of our eyes, waiting for us to recognize it.

3. The Lord, our source and provider

Hagar’s encounter with the well reminds us that God is our ultimate Source and Provider. He knows our needs intimately.

When we’re desperate, He doesn’t abandon us. Instead, He opens our eyes to His provision. Whether it’s physical sustenance, emotional healing, or spiritual guidance, God’s well is always accessible.

4. The invitation to see

God’s act of opening Hagar’s eyes wasn’t just about water; it was an invitation to see beyond the immediate crisis.

When we allow Him to open our eyes, we perceive His presence, grace, and love.

We recognize that our struggles are not insurmountable. His well of provision flows even in the wilderness.

5. The promise of Revelation

In our chaos, let’s echo Hagar’s cry: “El Roi,” the God who sees us. When we surrender our blindness, God reveals hidden wells—opportunities, relationships, and solutions.

He transforms our deserts into places of encounter. As we trust Him, our eyes are opened to His faithfulness.

So, dear wanderer, lift your eyes. The well is there, waiting for you. Let God open your eyes, and you’ll find more than water—you’ll discover hope, purpose, and the One who sustains you through every wilderness.

May we all see the wells of provision that God has placed along our journey, even when life’s storms rage. 🌟🙏



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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