God Temple Project Round-up

God Temple
God Temple
Published in
4 min readNov 30, 2021
  1. Key Concepts — Who we are
  2. Gamification — More than just an NFT
    - Limited Edition Artwork
    - Play2Earn
    - NFT Gods
    - The Token
  3. Roadmap — Wen moon?

Who are we?

God Temple is an NFT game that features the limited-edition artworks based on God characters, collaborating with iconic artists around the world. In addition to the play-to-earn model, God Temple provides gamers a platform to battle against each other for winning the Gods-NFTs or the game tokens directly! The NFTs are categorized into 3 different classes (Basic, Rare and Mythical) — the higher the level, the more the perks and winning chances a user would have.

2300 Packs, 3 Classes

  1. Basic — 5,000 $MYTH, Limited 2,000 packs (3 basic gods)
  2. Rare -10,000 $MYTH, Limited 200 packs (3 basic and 1 rare gods)
  3. Mythical — 30,000 $MYTH, Limited 100 packs (3 basic, 1 rare, 1 mythical gods

Who created the 13 Gods? Pat Lee, our Leading Artist


Worked with Apple, Nike, Tencent, Sony, Diesel, MGM Casino, Reebok, and the lists go on, Pat Lee is the leading celebrity artist of God Temple.

Over the past two decades, Pat did stints with DC and Marvel comics working on such mega-franchises as Batman, Superman, Iron Man, X-MEN, Fantastic Four, Wolverine, Punisher, and Spiderman. He also created the original North American series of Transformers comics, which ranked #1 top selling comic book six months in a row.

Gamification — More than just an NFT

Battle against players or AI

Limited Edition Artwork

On top of the casual and fun elements in the game that God Temple offers, all the NFTs are illustrated by the ex-Marvel/DC comic artist Pat Lee. Unlike other blockchain games in the market, these NFTs by Pat Lee are already worth collecting even without the game.


A dual-token system
Players can benefit from the GT’s battle-to-earn model. Utilizing the platform’s native token ($MYTH) and the game token ($SOUL), players can play against others or AI via the global matching system. Players can choose to use $SOUL or the NFT as collateral in the game to play against each other. Winner takes all the collateral.

Select $SOUL or an NFT as collateral, winner takes all

What’s more to Play2Earn?
Zero minting fee and NFT staking benefits. The whole game and platform is designed to generate more value to the NFTs and increase your passive income — all starting with the NFT packs purchase.

NFT Gods

Off-chain & cross-chain solutions to solve the skyrocketing gas price issue
All the NFTs in the first round of packs are already minted by the platform, saving users tons of unnecessary costs. Also, we will move some of the parts in the game off-chain, streamlining the whole gaming experience and further saving the costs of users. We are also looking to introduce cross-chain solutions for better development in the future.

Global matching system

The Tokens

Utilities in the ecosystem
NFT$MYTH & $SOUL can be used or various purposes:

  1. NFT purchase: $MYTH is required to purchase the NFTs to start the game.
  2. Evolution: $MYTH is required to level up the NFTs for higher chances in winning duels
  3. Gaming: $SOUL can be earned from playing the game and is also necessary for starting a game
  4. NFT Staking: NFTs can be staked to earn $SOUL


The launch is imminent! As shown in our roadmap previously, we expect to launch the beta in Q1 2022. Stay tuned to our social channels!

GT’s Official Site: https://www.godtemple.io/

GT’s official Twitter: https://twitter.com/godtemple_io

GT’s official Medium: https://medium.com/godtemple

GT’s Official Telegram: https://t.me/godtempleofficial

