A Preventative Approach to Alzheimer’s

Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2018

Forward brings an entirely new perspective to primary care, changing the way people think about and manage their health. Today we take a special focus on Alzheimer’s Disease, and our focus on preventative medicine over reactive.

72% of people are concerned about developing Alzheimer’s over the next 20 years — behind only cancer and surpassing heart disease. So what are you doing about it?

Don’t just let your health happen to you. At Forward, we can do something now. Here, we believe in being proactive — not reactive. Research has shown that Alzheimer’s operates on a continuum, and begins decades before the first signs begin to show. So why not begin stacking the odds in your favor early?

We won’t ask you to hold off for a miracle cure, or to come back when your symptoms have already begun. Instead, through a combination of genetic testing, real-time blood work, family history, and behavioral analysis, we’ll ensure you’re empowered with the information you need to know your risks and options — long before you notice any changes.

By understanding your personal risks, we’re able to offer customized support — not cookie-cutter advice designed to cover the broader population. Whether this means focusing on controlling your cholesterol, improving your quality of sleep, or engaging you in cognitive training, your Care Team will provide the personalized preventative care you need and deserve.

And through it all, we’re by your side to offer immediate guidance and support. No matter if it’s 5pm or 3am, we’ll get you the care and answers you need, when you need them.

The only question left is — are you ready to get started?

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Forward is a new approach to primary care that combines world-class doctors and leading-edge technology. Control the future of your health.