Meet Dr. Karimi Gituma: Forward San Francisco’s Newest Physician

Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2018

Forward is the new approach to primary care, offering customized plans to help you control the future of your health. Today, we sit down with our newest San Francisco physician Dr. Karimi Gituma to hear her take on tech-enabled, member-centered healthcare.

We’re thrilled to introduce our newest Forward San Francisco physician, Dr. Karimi Gituma. Karimi received her MD at Harvard and completed her residency in Internal Medicine at UCSF, and previously practiced medicine at Kaiser Permanente.

What first drew you to practice medicine?

As a young child I grew up inspired by my mother who was a nurse. I have always been fascinated by the human body, understanding the anatomy and physiology that keeps everything in perfect balance and harmony.

What areas of interest do you have as a physician?

The management of complex, chronic medical conditions and the impact that stress, diet, lifestyle and environmental risk factors have on these illnesses.

What do you value most in your relationships with members?

I value forming deep and meaningful relationships with members and having the opportunity to support them in their journey towards optimizing and achieving their health and wellness goals; being there for them in their time of need; and getting to celebrate with them as they achieve these important milestones.

What is your experience of the current healthcare industry? Where would you most like to see improvements or changes?

Providing high quality healthcare has become increasingly challenging due to the rise in cost, demand and complexity of illnesses. The upsurge of chronic medical illnesses and cancers across all age groups and demographics is very concerning and the current healthcare structure is not equipped to deal with this tidal wave. Majority of these illnesses can be mitigated through lifestyle changes, stress management and an increased focus on mindfulness. Proactive rather than reactive medicine will be key to turning this around. I would like to see more time and emphasis spent on preventive medicine and the incorporation of wellness into daily medical practice.

Why did you decide to join Forward?

I am very excited to be joining Forward, as it provides a revolutionary approach to member-centered healthcare delivery and the integration of tech in the primary care setting. Longer appointment times with members allows me to establish a meaningful patient-doctor relationship which is important to me. Providing holistic, proactive medicine, with a focus on prevention and wellness I believe, will significantly improve overall health outcomes for our members.

What has struck you as most different about the care here?

In my time here, I have been struck by how much the technology really helps me form deeper relationships with the members I see. Not having to take notes allows me to fully focus on our conversation when members are present. The chat feature and connected sensors allow me to get real-time, real-life monitoring which helps us tailor and personalize members’ treatment plans as we work together towards achieving their health goals.

What’s one fun fact about you that our members might not know?

I love, love, love to travel but I have zero sense of direction :).

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Forward is a new approach to primary care that combines world-class doctors and leading-edge technology. Control the future of your health.