Resolutions Aren’t One-Size-Fits-All: Stop Treating Yourself Like They Are

Published in
3 min readJan 8, 2018

Forward brings an entirely new perspective to primary care, changing the way people think about and manage their health. In this two-part series, we’ll introduce the technology and care philosophy we’ve developed to help you stick to your goals and control your health.

If you’re one of the 40% of Americans who will make a resolution this year, chances are you’ll be part of the 92% that fails to keep it. Not-so-fun-fact? We couldn’t agree more, and have set out to make that statistic so 2017.

So why the struggle? Instead of tailoring a fitness plan to your own unique age, fitness level, and goals, you decide to follow the program your body-builder friend Dave swears by. Instead of taking time to find healthy food options you don’t despise eating, you decide to cut all carbs after reading an article online. February rolls around, your resolve weakens. and you chow down on pizza and potato chips.

The reality is…you’re not going to find the answer to your problems off of a Google search, nor discover anything you don’t already know. And that’s where we step in.

We founded Forward to provide you with personalized primary care, combining world-class doctors with advanced medical technology including genetics, cancer screening & wellness tracking. We give you a personal doctor who takes the time to get to know you and your health needs in a 60–90 minute initial appointment. Results from blood tests are returned within 12 minutes and reviewed alongside your doctor, and a personalized genetic test is conducted based off of your history and risk factors. All this data is available to you anytime, anywhere via the Forward app, ensuring you’re constantly able to make changes that show you tangible influence your health and feel in control.

So now you’ve been handed these new insights about your health — but where do you go from here?

Let’s say your genetic test uncovers a mutation that boosts your bad cholesterol. Your Forward doctor is there to support you in finding and sticking to a plan that works and you feel good about — not preach at you. Hate running? Great, let’s discuss trying biking for a few weeks. No time to cook at home? Let’s look at healthy food options near you, and pick some menu items that sound appealing. Need a prescription? We’ll deliver it straight to your front door. We promise to never presume that what worked for someone else is the perfect fit for you.

We’ll work with you to create these personalized goals, and transform them into feel-good experiences through take-home wearables and scheduled check-ins from your Care Team. If at any point we notice you slipping or you feel the plan isn’t working, we’re ready to pivot to find you the perfect fit. We’re here to move your health forward. And we’re not going anywhere.

Are you ready to get started?




Forward is a new approach to primary care that combines world-class doctors and leading-edge technology. Control the future of your health.