Superpowered by tech

Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2017

Forward brings an entirely new perspective to primary care, changing the way people think about and manage their health. In this series, we’ll introduce you to our technology, explain our care philosophy, and talk to the inspiring doctors, nurses, and members who are helping us improve the system.

The collaborative screen in the exam room tracks new data and progress on care plans

We’ve all had the debate: If you could have any superpower, what would it be? We agree that flight and invisibility are pretty cool. But they’re also limited, so we decided to think bigger.

When it comes to a superhuman ability, Forward’s is most definitely technology.

Leading-edge innovation isn’t just what we offer. It’s who we are. At our core, we see technology as a way to solve problems today, prevent problems tomorrow, and make life better and easier. Imagine healthcare that could do all that — that’s what we’re working towards.

We rounded up some of the brightest minds in tech — from companies like Google, Facebook, and Uber — to completely rethink primary care and create a model that actually puts YOU in the center.

Then we hooked up world-class doctors with Ironman-level technology.

Our philosophy is that any tech we develop should accomplish three main goals:

  • Make your experience better, all around.
  • Allow your doctor to do more and be more for you.
  • See potential issues and address them proactively.

We run our innovative ideas through those guidelines, spending all our energy on creating tech that gives you deeper insights about your health.

Extrasensory perception

Your doctor gets continuous updates on your health through data from your wearables — including your blood pressure, steps, and sleep. If an important vital is off, your doctor gets an alert and can fly into action if necessary.

Superhuman memory

Your EHR (Electronic Health Record, because J.A.R.V.I.S. was already taken) is an unlimited, ongoing, comprehensive memory of you. It saves and organizes your test results, data, and conversations you’ve had with your doctor and care team, then surfaces relevant info when your doctor is creating your care plan.


Have a meeting of the minds with your doctor and care team anytime, anywhere, right from your Forward app. Whether it’s a late-night question, or a need for meds while you’re traveling, the lines of communication are always open.

Psychic ability

Your doctor can better understand your risk factors with genetic testing. If your DNA indicates a predisposition to issues like breast cancer or heart disease, preventative steps can often be taken. Results from real-time blood work, paired with your complete family history, paint a more comprehensive picture for you and your doctor.

“What I love about Forward is the opportunity to combine the best of what we do as doctors, to take care of our members with the best of technology. So we can have time to really build relationships with members, and then also use technology to support people in making changes in their lives during the 99% of the time they’re not in the doctor’s office.” — Nate Favini, MD

At Forward, we’re constantly innovating to keep you well and help you manage your health. Tech that helps you order groceries or find a dog walker is great. But tech that can improve something as foundational as your health is what gets us out of bed in the morning. Even as you read this, we’re hard at work creating new ways to revolutionize your care. And we can’t wait to tell you what’s coming.

Swing by one of our locations to see our tech in action.




Forward is a new approach to primary care that combines world-class doctors and leading-edge technology. Control the future of your health.