How to escape ‘FRIENDzone’ and ‘BROzone’

Go Gaga
Published in
3 min readMay 12, 2018

A friendzone, for those who are unaware, is a term used to describe a situation where one of the two people who are friends develop more than friends kind of feelings towards the other. However, the other person is completely unaware of this and is quite happy with the whole friends situation. As a result, one of them is stuck in the friendzone and the other is happy in it.

A brozone, too is a similar situation only a little worse. Two people who are very fond friends can be called ‘bros’ irrespective of their gender. So, for example, if a guy calls a girl his bro, it means that he thinks she is his buddy and one of the guys. That’s horrible in a situation when the girl likes the guy, so being seen as one of the guys completely closes the ‘towards a relationship’ door for her.

These two situations are dreaded by people, and with good reason. It deflates all hope of being together with a person and it becomes so difficult to spend time with someone you like if you have been friendzoned or brozoned.

So, here are a few pointers towards escaping these zones or preventing getting stuck in them.

1. Making them work — One of the most accurate reason as to why people get stuck being just somebody’s friend is because they are too nice. It is okay to be nice but being available to them always and being there for them all the time makes them take you for granted. This leads to them never seeing you as a potential love interest simply because you couldn’t be there for them anymore than you already are. So, let them make some efforts and let them realise your worth.

2. Make your intentions clear — 8/10 people get zoned because they don’t make their intentions clear to the other person. Hoping that they will magically know what you feel is impractical. So, approaching them and telling them what you really feel is the best way to go.

3. Don’t try too hard — You keep trying too hard and don’t give them enough time to think too much about you. You buy them things just because, you listen to them venting about other people they date, basically everything a girlfriend or boyfriend would do. So, stop making them feel special for no reason at all and let them crave your presence by trying less and letting them miss you.

4. You are scared of rejection — Rejection is a part of relationships. The entire scene of dating is a trial and error to look for the right one, so if you are afraid of getting rejected then you might miss out on acceptance as well. What I mean to say is, you need to take the leap, you need to take the step and ask them out and whatever happens after that is for the best.

5. Don’t be a jerk — Most importantly, if you do get rejected, you don’t have to be a jerk about it. Be mature and let things flow, there are plenty of fish in the sea. So, move on and don’t act like a jerk. That will only push them further away.

These are just a few pointers to escape the friendzone or brozone or just steer clear of it. Be yourself and don’t try to be someone who you are not. Being confident in your intentions and feelings is something that is always attractive to people. And most importantly, don’t be scared of consequences of your actions.

Pic credits: Pexels

Author: Medha Mehta



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