GoGoGrandparent now has Voice Commands!

Team GoGo
Published in
2 min readDec 21, 2017

GoGoGrandparent’s mission is to help people retain their independence, but over the last couple months many of you have shared that using your phone’s touchpad limits you from making the most of our service.

We were devastated to hear this and got to work right away on our newest feature. Today we are so excited to share…

Introducing Voice Commands!

How It Works

Step 1 — Call us at (855) 464–6872 and tell the operator you want Voice Commands!

Step 2 — When you call in, you’ll hear “Please press 1 or say ‘home’ to order a ride that’ll pick you up from your home, please press 2 or say ‘last location’ to order a ride that’ll pick you up where we dropped you off last. For anything else press 0 or say ‘operator’.

Step 3 — Tell us where you want to get picked up by saying ‘Home’, ‘Last Location’ or ‘Operator’!

NOTE: If for any reason we can’t make out what you’re saying, you’ll be automatically transferred to an operator.

Annnnd a new menu item!

You might already know that when you call in and press 1 we’ll order you a ride that’ll pick you up at home and if you press 2 we’ll order you a ride that’ll pick you up where we dropped you off last.

But what about if you’re somewhere else?

Starting today if you’re not at your home or your last location and you don’t want to wait in the queue for an operator, call us and press 9.

You’ll be given the chance to SAY the address of where you want to be picked up, skipping the menu and ordering a ride.

Be sure to speak clearly and say the entire address! If we can’t make it out we’ll forward you to an operator.

Spread the word!

If you know any folks that were waiting for this feature reply to this email or click here to become a GoGoGrambassador and we’ll send you postcards to help share the good news.

