It’s taking me how long…?

Jane Milne
Going Grey (Again)
Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2019

So, the Facebook ‘memories’ thing threw this up at me this morning. It’s a post from six years ago. Six years! And here I am, six years later, after one attempt after another to persevere and not get my hair dyed. Six years of failed attempts!

I love that in amongst the friends commenting during that six years ago ‘having-a-go-at-going-grey’ period and then again during this present day ‘having-a-go-at-going-grey’ is Louise. Louise is a going grey success story! Louise stuck with it and is now completely au natural!

She has a story of her own to tell, as you can see from part of our comments conversation underneath my ‘going grey’ blog post a couple of months ago:

So, apart from being reminded this morning that this really has been something I’ve grappled with for a long time, I’m also reminded that changing hair colour is a choice I’m very lucky to have. If I get fed up with how my hair looks tomorrow I can dye it again. No real harm done (other than kicking myself the following morning…).

But many women, for many different reasons, don’t have that choice. In Louise’s case, reducing the risk of suffering from severely debilitating allergic responses meant ditching the dye (and many, many other things too). It’s a topic definitely worth delving deeper into, and I’m looking forward to chatting to Louise, and some of my other friends, who can’t dye their hair, whether they want to or not. Watch this space…

In the meantime, I’ve recently been enjoying watching some of the World Athletics Championships, during which I’ve not only been entertained by the prowess, strength and true grit of the athletes, but also by the bright, bubbly and beautiful hairstyles some of them have been treating us to…

Shelly Ann Fraser-Pryce’s sprinting performance really was something to behold, but so was her hair! And I loved her response in a recent interview when she was questioned about it:

‘My coach says I like hair more than running and he’s right because I get so excited to colour my hair, especially for championships. I sometimes get so into it all, I forget I’m going there to run! It’s a big passion for me, I believe that your hair’s an accessory and you can do so many things to it. I want to be able to accentuate the beauty of any woman no matter what you choose to do with your hair and at the same time, nourish what you have underneath your wigs, extensions or braids. Hair is definitely something that makes me happy and more bubbly, it brings out that glow in me.’

So, if ever I feel like I’m losing my glow during this going grey gig, I’ll know where to look for inspiration.

Now, I wonder which colour of wig would suit me best…?!

