Going Paperless #72: Capturing Meme Quiz Results in Evernote

Jamie Todd Rubin
Going Paperless
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2013

Originally published on October 22, 2013

I often feel like I am so serious with the examples and use cases I provide in these posts that I felt it was time to provide a tip that is more fun-oriented. And so, swallowing my pride, I will begin by admitting that, on occasion, I have completed one of the seemingly endless quiz memes that appears on the Internet almost every day. With most of these memes, you have the option of posting your results to Facebook or Twitter or Tumblr or some other social media. I almost never do this. However, I do like retaining the results of these quizzes, and what better place to capture them in Evernote.

Here is one recent example: I took a Pew Research quiz on science and technology. I had to answer 13 questions, after which, I was shown my results. I used the Evernote Web Clipper to capture the web page containing my results and tagged the note with a “memes” tag so that I could find it later:

Last week, another quiz was offering to determine your political compass. After answering 6 pages worth of questions, it seemed to me that it was worth keeping the results. Once again, I captured this information in Evernote, tagging it once again with my “memes” tag.

Of course, most of these quizzes are silly and their results can be even sillier, but as I have said many times, I take Evernote’s slogan “remember everything” seriously and it is nice to have an easy way to capture the results of these quizzes should I ever have a need or desire to refer back to them. And besides, it can be fun to fill them out and a break from the routine of the day.

And there is a practical side. I have used the Evernote Web Clipper, or Skitch to capture the results of things like:

  • Completion of Security Awareness training at my day job
  • Completion of online training courses (quizzes and certificates)
  • My electronic voting ballot for the Hugo Awards and Nebula Awards

Evernote makes it so easy to capture these kinds of things that, after a while, it becomes almost second nature.

Originally published at www.jamierubin.net on October 22, 2013.



Jamie Todd Rubin
Going Paperless

Writer | Blogger | Coder | Paperless Guy | @sfwa Member