We’ll be back soon…

Andrew Kordampalos
Going your way, anyway
2 min readJan 16, 2017


Maintenance pages are boring, always the same boring ‘Be right back’ or ‘Please stand by’ message.

People want access to their content and they want it now. But what happens when you can’t serve it because you’re upgrading your service or you have a technical issue. Is the downtime necessary or you can avoid it?

If you can’t avoid it, make sure you enjoy it. More specifically your users enjoy it.

When downtime is inevitable you need to employ your fantasy and entertain your visitors. Make them forget what they originally came for and get lost in your magic. What magic?


Even the best-designed pages, with beautiful and smart graphics, can’t make the time go faster. That’s why at Nimber we have replaced our maintenance pages with genuinely funny norwegian prank videos.


You can use any kind of video that fits your audience, but don’t overdo it! These pages should last for some minutes. If your downtime is bigger make sure you provide an additional fair and clear explanation, on why and how much time it will take you to be back. Clarity and humor are your best tools when nothing else is available 🙃

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Andrew Kordampalos
Going your way, anyway

Engineering Leader and UX thinker. Love writing about startups, tech, AI, and managing teams.