A Conversation Between Our Motion Designers

Let’s delve into this conversation between two motion designers about finding a balance between ideation and execution.

Binoy Cyriac
Gojek Product + Tech
3 min readFeb 2, 2024


By Binoy Cyriac

A few months ago, I was talking to another motion designer on my team Jean W D'Souza about what brings emotion to a character animation.

We were working on a few animations for the generic failure states on our new Gopay app and a conversation about how to find the balance between ideation and execution came up. Here’s a peek into our actual conversation.👇

connection error animation
Don’t worry, I’ll share all the animations somewhere below
inspiration can come from anywhere …

I’d assume that most designers would agree that ideation takes more effort and/or time than execution. Especially in the current scenario, where a lot of the execution part is getting automated with AI and what not.

It’s also easy to feel the impostor syndrome creep in when you think that you’re not doing any “hands-on” work. What goes on inside the mind during this part of the process, while often guilt-inducingly intangible is also usually what creates the most impact (as long as one doesn’t procrastinate acting on it eternally) eventually.

Meaningful collaboration with the illustrators save a lot of time and effort while animating.
This is the “unable to proceed” animation she was referring to above.
“the bird animation in GoBox”, in case it wasn’t obvious enough 🏳️

The GoPay relaunch project was extremely fulfilling and one which wouldn’t have been possible without our GoPay illustrators who worked with us and supported us throughout: Gloria Abigail, Dike Akbar, Gagas Setyabrata

And before we end, here are the rest of the animations we made for this project as promised. 😃👇

and that’s exactly what i did

Let us know how you collaborate with illustrators and motion designers in the comments!

Gobox illustration Credits — Walid Rusdianto

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