WhatsApp <> Gojek — An experiment

Owned media content is fragmented, and discovery is haphazard. The theory is simple — Everyone has WhatsApp. Can we reach enough people with the best from our stables?

Adithya Venkatesan
Gojek Product + Tech
3 min readMar 9, 2021


Today, we embark on a new experiment — integrating WhatsApp into our branding endeavours, so folks can hear directly from our vault.

We produce a lot of content across the board:

Gojek has two blogs — One focused primarily on Engineering, Product and Design. Another focused on Culture and People stories. By demarcating the two, we get the best of both worlds. It’s worked well so far. Employees who have joined us, tell us they got to know about Gojek and what we do through these blogs. It’s been an important resource for us to amplify brand, and for our audience to learn the inner mechanisations of a decacorn.

Then, we have GojekTech and LifeAtGojek on Instagram — again, two worlds. Then, events, meetups, and other community engagement initiatives. It’s all fragmented, and more importantly, impedes on ‘discovery’.

If that’s not all, we’re at the mercy of social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram) to distribute this content. So is everyone else btw.😝
In that process, you miss the best reading material, get the average, or the other way around.

We want to escape this loss of context, and obviously, garner more eyeballs. 👀

The inescapable

Distribution is a hard job, and requires enough marketing dollars. Here’s the simple truth: It’s just not enough to have really good content worth someone’s time. It’s equally important to distribute it to reach the right person.

That’s why we’re bullish on WhatsApp.

One platform for us to showcase the best from our treasure trove of stories.

It’s not exactly a novel idea really. WhatsApp has been there for a while, and so have the tools to distribute via this powerful platform. What we needed was… critical mass. Enough content to pick the best, and share with our readers. And oh, some love, from folks to validate — we’re indeed producing good material that deserves a wider audience.

Blogs. Events. Short form snackable content on Instagram. Culture pieces. People stories. Our entire universe delivered straight to your WhatsApp.

Hopefully you won’t miss a story, and hopefully, you will keep us on our toes to do better. See ya 6 months later with an update on how this fared. 🖖

Till then, show us some love by subscribing?

Head to gojek.io → Click on the WhatsApp icon.

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Adithya Venkatesan
Gojek Product + Tech

Brand Marketer. Twitter: @adadithya. Travel fanatic. Wildlife lover. Voracious reader. Cenosillicaphobic. Logophile. Past: @gojektech @reuters @ACJIndia