Avoiding Holiday Stress: Tips For a Stress-free Holiday this December

Temi Oyetayo
Published in
4 min readDec 7, 2020

The end of year holidays are used to reflect on the whole year and spend time with the family. For Christians, it is a time to remember the birth of the son of God, Jesus Christ. Families come from all over the world to celebrate and show love to each other. It is truly ‘the most wonderful time of the year’. However, Christmas in Lagos can be a bit chaotic with double the traffic and food inflation. Everyone tries to balance work while doing last-minute planning for the holiday. With the close of the year near, the list to achieve many things is endless. What is meant to be a time of love and rest slowly becomes a time for being stressed.

This can have an impact on both the body and the mind. The most wonderful time of the year becomes a stressful period and instead of enjoying the holidays, we end up wishing it comes to an end quickly.

This year has had a toll on us no doubt and that is why we have created a few tips to ensure your holiday is as stress-free as possible.

Organise your time and money

The end of the year comes with a long list of things to do and buy. To help manage your time, it would be helpful to make a to-do list by including all the tasks you need to perform, all the items you need to buy, and most importantly add the amount you can spend. This way you will be able to prioritise your activities and purchases, ensuring you don’t break the bank.

We know that it’s not a simple task but being prudent with your spending this season ensures that you still have enough saved up for January.

Shop online

Shopping is a ritual that everyone has to go through and the end of the year makes the shopping lines even longer. This year has shown us there are quicker alternatives to standing in line or hustling in the market — shopping online.

We all know that the internet is the largest means of consumption in the world. Fast, practical, and safe when considering that COVID-19 is still a threat to the health of the population of Lagos and the whole world. In order to survive the crisis caused by the pandemic, e-commerces, merchants and businesses have increased their online presence, as well as reinvented themselves to provide good customer services.

Today, the online services in Lagos are full of possibilities and provide us with more than we seek. From groceries to medicines, you can do everything online. Is there anything better than shopping without leaving home?

Not to mention that we guarantee the best delivery experience you can find in Lagos. We offer a range of options at a fair cost to deliver everything you need according to the urgency and types of goods transported.

Get your shopping done in time

As appealing as last-minute shopping sounds, it is good to do all your shopping in time. From groceries to Christmas presents, don’t wait till the day before Christmas to take care of your shopping lists. When you shop on time, you allow the opportunity to find alternatives and can also do so at your own leisure.

Spend time with your family and friends

This year has been tough on everybody no doubt. Most of us have had to spend time apart from our family members for the better part of the year. For those with older parents, this holiday might mean you spending time apart. Nonetheless, try and reconnect with as many people as you can while following the NCDC guidelines. Sometimes, all we need to put a smile on our face and release the year’s stress is the face and voices of our loved ones.

However, if you are not in the mood for celebrations, and do not feel like attending the many holiday events this season, you can stay indoors and create your own happiness. An example of this is cooking. This is a good form of stress-relief. Cook with your family and enjoy the process.

Delegate your duties

You don’t need to do everything by yourself. Delegate your duties, even superman has a sidekick. This holiday, focus on the most important thing- yourself. Try and get people around you to help you as much as they can. This promotes team effort and also ensures you have a rest free holiday.

This holiday season, spend your time with what matters most, your loved ones. Leave the rest to us, we will happily deliver on your behalf!

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