Putting the User at the Center of the Mobile Healthcare Experience

Micah Kulish
Lab Notes
Published in
4 min readAug 4, 2016

When it comes to patient-friendly technology, healthcare companies have come a long way. The organizations who truly care about improving the human experience have advanced their digital ecosystems to help bring their patients and providers the information they most need. Today, healthcare companies are learning that the ubiquity of mobile provides a really exciting opportunity to reach their patients.

The best healthcare companies are turning to mobile to connect with patients and users in inventive and useful ways. Let’s look at a few of the best mobile experiences reimagining the way users interact with healthcare companies.

Mayo Clinic App

Mayo Clinic is a medical practice and research group based in Rochester, Minnesota. It is the #1 hospital in the US and largest integrated nonprofit healthcare group practice in the world, employing more than 3,800 physicians.

The clinic spends over $500 million annually in research and are globally renowned for the experience and care they provide patients.

Mayo Clinic’s official mobile app creates a seamless connection between the patient’s experience in and outside the physical clinic. Through the app, users can set appointments, review their patient history, and even view their radiology results. Mayo Clinic also partners closely with Apple to give patients the tools to connect their medical results to their Healthkit.

Mayo Clinic as integrated latest iOS technology to improve the product

Additionally, Mayo Clinic is using their mobile application to share daily content with those other than their patients. Mayo’s Daily feature delivers curated content on healthy living, new healthcare discoveries, and tips on eating well.

Through the app experience, Mayo Clinic’s is giving every user access to the greatest healthcare practice and research in the world. It’s an ambitious product with a strong strategy and solid benefit to users.

Medtronic MiniMed

Medtronic is the largest medical device company in the world. The company boasts over 53,000 patents and employees in over a hundred companies. Medtronic is often ranked among the most innovative companies in the world, pioneering major medical advancements for hospitals and patients.

MiniMed’s illustrates a simple direct benefit to users

To connect enhance a physical product through technology, Medtronic built a MiniMed app to help diabetes patients track their health in real-time. Launched in late 2015 and available on iOS and Android, this app is the latest innovation of Medtronic’s MiniMed device. Users can connect their pump and sensor to the app to track their glucose levels. The clean and simple UI gives also users persistent knowledge of their insulin and blood sugar. The app helps diabetes patients to stay constantly updated without having to repeated run finger-prick tests that disrupt daily life.

Users have already suggested improvements to the app, but the attention to simplicity and design of the experience shows that Medtronic cares about the patient down to the smallest detail of the digital experience.

Boston Scientific Monster Fix

Boston Scientific is one of the leading healthcare technology companies in the world. Founded in 1979, the company now employs over 24,000 researchers, designers, and technicians. The company is a worldwide leader in medical device innovation, development, and manufacturing. To connect the mammoth company’s mission with a specific initiative, BSC built an app to raise awareness and educate users.

mini-games teach kids about disease prevention

To raise awareness and support for the Chagas disease and its effect on Latin America, Boston Scientific created a mobile app to educate children on how to spot and prevent infectious diseases. The app’s simple experience and lighthearted characters bring a tone that resonates with well with other apps in the games space. In the app, users will play through levels, helping ‘fix’ monsters by identifying and preventing their diseases.

The app was created in conjunction with Doctors of the World to raise funds and awareness for the Chagas disease in Latin America. By tackling a serious human need through an awareness-building exercise, Boston Scientific is positioning itself as an ally not only to healthcare professionals, but as an educator to consumers.

As illustrated by Boston Scientific, Mayo Clinic, and Medtronic, app experiences must feel like seamless extensions of the brand’s purpose.

Healthcare companies looking to expand their digital ecosystems must prioritize the consumers of the experiences they are creating.

In the app space, competition comes from more than just other companies in your category. In the fight for attention, only those who provide real tangible value will succeed

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