UX and Design Weekly: Issue 8

Bryan Kahrs
Lab Notes
2 min readJun 21, 2016


June 21, 2016

A weekly share of think-pieces, tips and resources making their way around the GoKart Labs team.

Design is a team sport

Myself and a few other team members here at GoKart Labs are attending Jared Spool’s UX Playbook conference here in Minneapolis. Here’s an inspiring talk about making your design process more inclusive.

User-centered design

Avoid common design problems, be happy designing and design things to make others happier.

Google Play

Flat Studio does a comprehensive job of sharing their solution for the new Google Play experience. Tip: It’s actually more enjoyable to digest on a mobile browser.

Quiz: Test your icon knowledge

Considering icons for navigation? You may want to take this short quiz. When you’re done, read on.

Icons and labels

Some thoughts on when to use labels, when to use icons and when it’s best to use both.

How we lost 47% of our users after a redesign

A redesign doesn’t necessarily guarantee more traffic and revenue.

Maps vs Maps

An incredible breakdown of how Apple and Google approach their mapping software. Grab some popcorn and enjoy the read.

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