Ruby on Rails With Apache/MySQL on Mac OS X (Snow Leopard)

Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2011

Install a Path Line Using Text Editor

Such as TextMate, TextWrangler, BBEdit or vi (My favorite is TextMate and “
mate” command or just use “vim” command).

Remove Mysql 5.5 if you have (Mysql 5.1 is the most stable version)

For some reason I faced some problems with MySQL 5.5 so I installed the most stable version : MySQL 5.1 64 Bit .

Use mysqldump to backup your databases to text files! After that :

sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server stop

sudo rm /usr/local/mysql

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/mysql*

sudo rm -rf /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM

sudo rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/My*

rm -rf ~/Library/PreferencePanes/My*

sudo rm -rf /Library/Receipts/mysql*

sudo rm -rf /Library/Receipts/MySQL*

sudo rm -rf /var/db/receipts/com.mysql.*

mate /etc/hostconfig

Remove the line

Download and install Mysql 5.1 [Mac OS X ver. 10.6 (x86, 64-bit), DMG Archive]

Configure Path , download and Install Macports

mate ~/.bash_profile

Add the following to the end of file and save

export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH

export MANPATH=/opt/local/share/man:$MANPATH


Download and Install Ruby

sudo port -v install ruby

Download , Install and Update RubyGems

mkdir ~/src

cd ~/src

curl -O

tar xzvf rubygems-1.3.7.tgz

cd rubygems-1.3.7

sudo ruby setup.rb

sudo gem update — system

Install rails, rake, bundle, rspec etc.

sudo gem install rake rails thin tzinfo capistrano ruby-debug rspec

Install Mysql Gem

sudo env ARCHFLAGS=”-arch x86_64" gem install — no-rdoc — no-ri mysql — — with-mysql-config=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config

You can use
sudo gem uninstall mysql
to uninstall

Test mysql gem


irb > require ‘rubygems’

irb > require ‘mysql’

irb >‘localhost’, ‘root’, ‘password’, ‘test’)

Install Sqlite gem

sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby

Install Passenger gem

sudo gem install passenger

Build passenger for apache

(Just hit enter on prompts)

sudo passenger-install-apache2-module

Include Passenger config file

mate /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf

Add the following to the end of file and save

Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-passenger.conf

Create Passenger config file for Apache:

My Passenger version is : 3.0.2 so you should edit the code below if yours is a different version

mate /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-passenger.conf

Add the following to the file and save (Change passenger directory string if your have a different version. Learn it by typing
passenger-config — root)

LoadModule passenger_module /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-3.0.2/ext/apache2/

PassengerRoot /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-3.0.2

PassengerRuby /opt/local/bin/ruby

PassengerMaxPoolSize 6

PassengerMaxInstancesPerApp 2

RailsFrameworkSpawnerIdleTime 1800

RailsAppSpawnerIdleTime 600

PassengerPoolIdleTime 600

PassengerMaxRequests 1000

NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>

DocumentRoot “/Users/goksel/Sites/rails_app/public”

ServerName rails_app

<Directory /Users/goksel/Sites/rails_app/public>

Options -MultiViews

AllowOverride All



Add your local domain to hosts:

mate /etc/hosts

Add the following to the end of file and save rails_app

Restart Apache

apachectl configtest

(If you see “Syntax OK” everything is done right)

sudo apachectl stop

sudo apachectl start

Create a Mysql User if you need one

mysql -u root -p

(If you dont have a root password you should create it)

mysql>CREATE USER ‘railsuser’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘pass’;



Create a Rails app

cd ~/sites

rails new rails_app

Configure database.yml

cd rails_app

mate config/database.yml

Remove the content and add the following into file


adapter: mysql

database: railsapp_dev

username: root

password: password

host: localhost


adapter: mysql

database: railsapp_test

username: root

password: password

host: localhost


adapter: mysql

database: railsapp_prod

username: root

password: password

host: localhost

Create an empty database

cd ~/sites/rails_app

rake db:create

Test your application


