ECB Plan to Favor Transparency Over Privacy in Digital Euro Design

GokuMarket Exchange
Published in
1 min readMay 9, 2022


đź“Ł #ECB Plan to Favor Transparency Over Privacy in #DigitalEuro Design

👉 The #EuropeanCentralBank (ECB) leans toward a “transparent” digital euro over one that ensures a higher level of privacy for its users, a presentation devoted to the project has indicated.

👉 The monetary authority nevertheless remarks that a shift towards digital #payments implies less privacy by default. That’s despite the possibility of preserving some cash-like features in a digital version of the #euro.

👉 A report by the ECB highlighted privacy as a key concern for future users of the digital euro, but the bank now says that privacy needs to be assessed in the context of other #EUpolicies.

👉 In the presentation, brought to the public’s attention by #cryptoventure advisor #PatrickHansen this week, the ECB lists three privacy options.

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