How to Vote on GokuMarket DAO Proposal using Metamask?

GokuMarket Exchange
Published in
8 min readApr 9, 2022

Use GokuMarket Credit (GMC) to become eligible to vote on all proposals of the GokuMarket: DAO based DeFi, NFT & Metaverse — check it out! 💜

April 9th, 2022 — GokuMarket Credit (GMC) is the native token of the GokuMarket DAO and governance on GokuMarket DAO requires GMC to either create a proposal or to vote on an existing proposal.

This article is the comprehensive guide for:

  1. How to create your Metamask wallet?
  2. How to add GMC in the Metamask wallet?
  3. How to use GMC in the Metamask wallet to Vote on a proposal?

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📣 How to create your Metamask wallet?

To set up your account on MetaMask you can primarily use a web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Brave only, as it is not available on Safari), or you can use a mobile app (Android & iOS).

Installing Metamask (Chrome Browser):
Step 1: Go to the Metamask website or
use this url:
Step 2: Click “Get Chrome Extension” to install Metamask
Step 3: Click “Add to Chrome” in the upper right corner
Step 4: Click “Add Extension” to complete the installation

You will know Metamask has been installed when you see the fox logo on the upper right hand corner of your browser.

Guide on getting started with Metamask using other browsers: ​​

Using Metamask

One of the first tasks you will want to do on Metamask is to install a wallet (or “vault” as Metamask calls it) to hold your cryptocurrencies. To do this, follow the instructions below.

Step 1. Click on the Metamask logo in the upper right hand corner of your Google Chrome browser. (Or check from the list of extensions by clicking the puzzle icon on the top right corner).

Step 2: Click on the “Get Started” button.

Step 3: You can either “Create a new wallet” (as a first time user) or “Import Wallet” (if you already have an existing wallet on MetaMask).

Step 4: Read and agree to the terms and conditions.

Step 5: Enter a password and click “Create” to create your wallet.

Step 6: You will see a set of 12 “Secret Recovery Phase” for your vault.
Click “Download this Secret Recovery Phrase and keep it stored safely on an external encrypted hard drive or storage medium.” and copy the “Secret Recovery Phase” file that is downloaded to a safe place. You will need it to access your vault.

Step 7: Enter the Secret Recovery Phase and click on confirm.

Step 8: You are all set to Use MetaMask Wallet.

For detailed FAQs on how to use the Metamask wallet, you can refer here.

📣 How to add GMC in the Metamask wallet?

To add GMC in your MetaMask wallet is as simple as making a crypto transfer on a wallet address. This is how you can add funds from your GokuMarket Exchange Wallet to your MetaMask Wallet.

Steps to list GMC as a asset in your MetaMask Wallet

Step 1: Go to your MetaMask Wallet by clicking on the MetaMask icon from the top right corner and log in using the password created while setting up your MeteMask account.

Step 2: MetaMask window will pop up on your screen.

Step 3: Click on “Ethereum Mainnet” and then on the “Add Network” button.

Step 4: A new window with Add a network options will appear. In that window add the following details.

Network Name: Binance Smart Chain
ChainID: 56
Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL:

Step 5: Click on Save and your Binance Smart Chain Network is added.

Step 6: Select the Binance Smart Smart Chain Network and click on “Assets” and then on “import tokens” from the bottom of the pop-up window or page.

Step 7: Click on “Import tokens” and then on “Custom token.”

Step 8: Fill the below details into the pop-up window.

Use below details for the GMC Token:
Contract Address: 0xd3E7C41b39Bb252d909Fb64D2433Abf225Eaf49E
BSCScan Link:

Step 9: Token Symbol and Token decimal will automatically appear if you have put in the correct BSCScan contract address of GMC.

Step 10: Click on “Add Custom Token”

Step 11: Click on the “Import Tokens” on the next screen and now you have successfully listed GMC Token in your MetaMask wallet.

Step 12: From the top center under Account 2, click “copy to clipboard” as this is your Metamask Account GMC Wallet Address and keep it handy for use in the coming steps.

Steps to deposit & add GMC funds into your MetaMask Wallet

Step 1: Login into your GokuMarket account

Step 2: Click on the Wallet icon from the top right corner and go to your Main Wallet with GMC balance.

Note: If you have GMC in any other wallet such as Trade Wallet, then first transfer them to your Main Wallet.

Step 3: Scroll down to the GMC balance in your Main wallet and click on “Withdraw.”

Step 4: In the right side window, click on the “Binance Smart Chain” checkbox.

Step 5: Enter the Metamask GMC Wallet Address you copied from the MetaMask Wallet (step 12 above) in the “Withdrawal Address” field.

Step 6: Enter the amount and click on the “Withdraw” button.

Note: for security reasons, you will also verify your withdrawal with both an email OTP and a Google 2FA code, which are normal steps to withdraw from GokuMarket.

Congratulations! Once processed on the blockchain, you have successfully withdrawn GMC from your GokuMarket Wallet to your MetaMask Wallet. You can use this GMC balance to create new proposals and become eligible to vote on the GokuMarket DAO proposals.

Important: It is highly recommended to also deposit some BNB to your Metamask wallet. The GokuMarket Credit (GMC) runs on the Binance Smart Chain as a BEP20 token, so anytime a user wants to withdraw or use their GMC in the GokuMarket DEX from their wallet, then the blockchain will also need to consume and use some gas fees in BNB. It is therefore also suggested to deposit some BNB to your Metamask Wallet.

How to use GMC in the Metamask wallet to Vote on a proposal

Step 1: Go to and Connect your MetaMask Wallet in which you have added your GMC.
(Note: Ensure to select the right account with GMC balance if you have multiple accounts on your MetaMask).

Step 2: Click on the “DAO” from header and then click on “Voting”

Step 3: Select the proposal on which you want to vote from the list of available proposals.

Step 4: Select from the given proposal choices and click on “Cast Vote.”

Step 5: A Voting Power window will appear and each users’ voting power will depend on the amount of GMC they have in their Metamask wallet at the time (block) when the voting is started.

For example: a proposal is shared with the community on June 4th letting everyone know that there will be voting starting in a few days on June 10th. Now GokuMarketDAO members can deposit as many GMC into their Metamask wallets up until June 10th as possible. The amount of GMC they hold in their Metamask wallet at the exact block when the proposal is opened, will represent their voting power when they cast their vote. If a GokuMarketDAO member deposits more GMC after June 10th to the Metamask wallet, it does not have any additional voting power.

NOTE: You should have equal to or more than a minimum of 5 GMC required to vote in your MetaMask wallet at the block when the Proposal you want to vote on is opened.

Step 6: Next a window will pop-up. Click on the “Confirm Vote’’ button. It will verify your GMC at the block when this proposal was created.

Step 7: Click on “Sign” in the MetaMask Wallet pop-up.

Congratulations! You have successfully voted on the Proposal.

About GokuMarket

GokuMarket is a Decentralised Autonomous Organization (DAO) with governance and utility token GokuMarket Credit (GMC). All GokuMarket members receive a revenue share from GokuMarket’s decentralized products like Swap, Pool, Farm, Lottery, Prediction, NFT Marketplace and Metaverse Guild. Any GMC holder can pledge GMC to become a DAO member and start earning the revenue share from the Decentralised ecosystem. GokuMarket brings autonomous control for your digital assets, with a non-custodial approach.

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Sincerely yours,
GokuMarketDAO Team 💜



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