Gold Fever — A closer look at Factions and their Classes

Gold Fever
Gold Fever — The Game
4 min readApr 14, 2021


You can decide between the Faction of Adventurers or Tribals. Both have different goals and challenges in the game.

The main ambition for Adventurers is extracting as much gold as possible from the rivers and surrounding mountains. They face the rainforest and need to resist this unfamiliar environment.

Adventurers are seen as intruders by the Tribals.
To endure, they must try to explore with caution, remaining stealthy or work strategically in teams to defend against the enemy in their natural habitat.

The Tribals, on the other hand, want to exterminate anyone invading their territory. From their perspective, the Adventurers are profaning the rivers where they spread the ashes of their beloved departed. Any gold removed from the lands and particularly the rivers is an act of unimaginable agony for them. They will try under any circumstances to return the gold to their ancestral gods.

The challenges and frictions among the Factions.

For Adventurers, the first task they will need to face is the struggle to survive. Confronted by the environmental dangers and the Tribals themselves, it will lead to conflict unless the Adventurers maintain a low profile or capture tribal spotters before it is too late.

Ultimately, an Adventurer desires to collect the gold and safely make it back to the camp and store it.

Tribal players, instead, even though they are also concerned about survival, their main goal is to protect and defend their territory and the gold. They try to locate and capture as many Adventurers as possible and use them as a food source.

Their final goal is to give back the stolen mineral.

Class System

Each Faction offers three unique classes, with different strengths and weaknesses that players can pick from.

The most efficient way will be forging alliances between the players and create a well-balanced team with several classes. Teamwork and forging alliances in the game is therefore encouraged and is a necessity to be highly successful.

Let’s take a peek at the Adventurers classes.

The Hunter

Hunting forms a vital part of surviving in the rainforest, and hunters have made it their profession. As an indispensable part of the community, they bring home wild game to be exchanged at the market.

Hunters have unique and valuable skills like spotting movement, tracking and trapping, whether they use it for animals or Tribals.

They are best with long-range weapons and can hit the mark from hundreds of feet away. If they prefer to hunt silently, they use a bow and arrow to take down a target.

The Prospector

Prospectors are the experts in finding gold. They are the most efficient in panning and extraction of gold and are used to carry heavy loads more than anyone else.

While they are average with combat skills, they are the fastest moving class of the Adventurers and familiar with rugged terrain.

Essential for snatch-and-grab missions, Prospectors may elude pursuit and get back to the safety of the camp ahead of everybody else.

The Medic

Medics are an indispensable part of any adventuring party.
They have the skills to recognise medicinal plants and turn them into remedies like bandages or medicine, effectively healing other players of injuries and other afflictions.

The Medics are not the best fighters and have lower combat skills, but they level it out with a higher Health and faster movement.

Tribal classes and their advantages

Unlike their Adventurer equivalents, tribesmen move quickly through the rainforest. They are unhampered by clothes or bulky weapons, are customary to the harsh environment, and know the terrain.

All tribal classes can step on leaves and tree roots for silent movement and stalking, enabling them to close in some distance undetected.

The Sorcerer

Sorcerers have both the capacity to heal or harm. As healers, they can create bandages and medicines to cure wounds, poison, and illnesses, allowing other classes to quickly recover.

Quite the opposite to healing, Sorcerers, can also craft poisons others may use to coat their weapons and capture Adventurers.

They can provide various blessings aiding allies to gain bonuses for their attacks or defences at close range.

As a sign of their status, they carry a wooden staff with skulls and additional bones. They favour light weapons like daggers and bows but are not skilled and depend on others to protect them in critical combat situations.

The Forager

As the most versatile and agile class, the Forager can move quickly, spot, grab and return before enemies even know what happened.

He is efficient in finding native herbs and fruits around the rainforest.

They usually have a woven basket enabling them to carry heavy loads and move them fast.
They are capable of setting traps like snares and poisonous arrow triggers to catch animals or Adventures alike.

The Warrior

Warriors are the soldiers of the tribes. They are effective with any weapon outfitting themselves with spears, swords, axes, daggers, bows and arrows.

Large wooden shields to block melee attacks are common, although they are less useful against guns.

Warriors have the most Health of the Tribal classes and, of course, shine in combat situations and in the front line where their attacks are always meant to kill and not to capture.

Warriors are typically wearing headdresses made of leaves to indicate their vicious status.

Note: Gold Fever is currently in an early development stage, and details are subject to change.

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