Gold Fever — NFTs & FTs What is it and why you should know?

Gold Fever
Gold Fever — The Game
6 min readApr 14, 2021

Hello fellow Adventurers and flesh-eating Tribal friends.

Let’s talk about NFTs and FTs…all this mysterious and magical letter stuff we like to mention in our articles. The best way to do this is first to explain what an FT is.

So bear with us for a second here…

MF…what? FT, my friend…Fungible Token

We all grasp the concept of fungible tokens, the FT part of NFT and use them daily if you have noticed or not. Maybe you guessed already…we are talking about money.

The fancy word fungible simply means it is interchangeable. And the token part of it? You could replace it with a coin/bill in your currency. It doesn’t matter where you live and what kind of money you have; it is all fungible tokens…FTs.
(sorry to burst your bubble, paper and worthless metal, jup 🤯 )

For easy reference, let’s take a ONE-DOLLAR bill.

Every dollar is interchangeable.

Give a dollar to a friend, and he gives you a different dollar back…the value didn’t change. You will still have a dollar, right?

Let us make this even more evident with another example.

Your mate throws 50 one-dollar bills on a table…you join him and throw ONE dollar bill on top, then he starts mixing them all up. He tells you to take back the dollar bill you just threw in there…not knowing which one was yours, you just pick a random one.

It doesn’t matter which one you took…you still end up with ONE DOLLAR BILL.

Yes, my dear reader, now you understood what a fungible token is.

The main message here is simple:
Every Fungible Token is interchangeable, but the value stays the same.

What’s up with the N part? Don’t bore me to death again, please…

We cleared up what a Fungible Token is just in case. Now we can go on to Non-Fungible-Tokens. NFTs are the opposite of FTs…they are NOT interchangeable at all…and more.

A trading card is not interchangeable.

This time we take some trading cards, yes, Pokemon, Soccer, Baseball, whatever floats your boat. For easy reference, I’ll just use Pokemon Cards. We are going to repeat the little story with our friend and see how this plays out.

For some inexplicable reason, you and your buddy have EACH one Pikachu Illustrator. (yes, a freaking $90,000 card, BOTH of you! It is just fun to make stuff up 🤣)
Lucky as you are, YOURS is mint condition, only touched with cotton gloves while your friend doesn’t give a cr*p and even plays with it.
(some smart imaginary friend there)

You surrender your card carefully to him, and faster than the Flash himself, he decides to give you back HIS Pikachu Illustrator and keep YOURS…no worries, right?

…hold on a second, what just happened here?!

Pikachu Illustrator

Somehow you start to feel very uneasy looking at his greasy fingers touching your card. You just ended up with that “not so nice looking” (but still very valuable) Pikachu Illustrator.

You realise this card is not interchangeable and unique, and most importantly…it is YOURS!

Luckily this is just made up anyway.

You wouldn’t even think about letting him touch your precious card. At least not before handing over the $150,000 you ask for the ONLY mint condition Pikachu Illustrator in existence, worth far more than an average $90,000 version.
(his might reach a $20,000 value…fatty fingers and all)

Again… let’s make this even more evident with another example.

You go ahead and throw 50 random Pokemon Cards on a table, including your Illustrator (made up story remember?)…your friend throws his Pikachu on top. You start mixing the cards and tell him to take HIS card out of the pile WITHOUT taking YOUR precious Pikachu Illustrator or any other cards!

Turns out this is not a problem at all!

Every card is different, and your mint card is easily distinguishable from his. They cannot be interchanged or mistaken by the other ever, and certainly, don’t have the same value even if it is the same card!

An NFT is not interchangeable, clearly distinguishable, and every single one can have a different value.

Maybe I should have started the whole story with this information, but I wouldn’t have a job then, would I 🤭?

Why are you telling me all this…and why does it matter?

In Gold Fever, we use FTs and NFTs, and it is a good idea you know how we use them and why! You will use them continuously, so I want to make sure you know the difference.

GO, GO, GO…tell me more about the FTs…it is money, right?


The gold you mine in Gold Fever is called NGL, and it is a Fungible Token secured by blockchain technology. Every token is accounted for, and everyone knows where they are thanks to the immutable ledger on the blockchain. Yes, it is used as currency, and you pay for any goods or services with it in-game. It is tradeable and has real-world value.

JUL — The other currency…not so much blockchain

JUL is strictly speaking a fungible token as well, just not secured by a blockchain. You can purchase this token easily with common means like good old cash and credit cards. Gamers not used to cryptocurrencies can onboard with this token and still have the same buying power as with NGL.

JBR — A right to vote…blockchain style

Julius’s Brain token…yes, you can pick his brains with this one!
This token is awarded through gameplay and given for various activities.
It will provide you with the right to vote and a decision on how the game will develop…great, right?

If you think the sky should be pink with elephants flying around, you can beat the jungle drums and join your forces to get enough votes together!!!

I have to admit I just made this sky thing up entirely…but it might happen?…let me call my boss first just to make sure… I’ll get back to you.

All the noise about NFTs, and now where are they?

OK, you are right. Maybe I should get to it already and stop beating around the bush.

- Gold Fever extensively uses NFTs.
- Mining Claims Licences are represented as NFTs.
- Equipment for gold extraction, weapons, planes, characters…
- You can get fancy hats…(yes, hats, you heard it here first…unbelievable, isn’t it?!)
- Many of the in-game items are actually NFTs; too much to name them all!

You are the true owner of an NFT, and they are tradeable without consent. NFTs live on the blockchain, and only YOU control what happens to them.

Although we will provide a Marketplace for easy trading and auctions, you are not limited to it due to the nature of how ownership works on the blockchain. We have different NFT integration concepts in Gold Fever, but your worst nightmare just came true…

…you will have to read my next article to get a bigger picture.

Read Part 2: Gold Fever — NFT 2.0 — Using NFTs in a better way

Yours truly, the guy from next door.

Note: Gold Fever is currently in an early development stage, and details are subject to change.

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