Gold Fever Roles — The Path to Passive Income

Gold Fever
Gold Fever — The Game
4 min readAug 4, 2021

The Gold Fever universe is inspired by the events of the 19th-century gold rush when courageous men and women from all around the world charted dangerous territories searching for new treasures.

Our game, however, brings those same events and places them in a modern setting, and raises the stakes by incorporating an in-game economy with diverse ways to create wealth.

With such a fascinating and diverse lore, we’ve decided to offer our community an in-depth look into the factions, class systems, and ways to earn income while playing.

Choose your adventure

Gold Fever offers gamers the choice of belonging to two different factions. You can either take the role of the “Adventurers” or the native “Tribes.”

Both factions are pitted against each other in the war for gold. The Tribesman live in the wilderness of the jungle and look to protect their home from any foreign invaders. Their goal is to kill Adventurers on sight, retrieving any gold they are carrying and returning it to the shrines of their ancestral Gods.

On the other hand, Adventurers are looking to usurp the precious metal from the land of the tribals and secure them on the river banks. They have to look out for threats from both tribals and other rival adventurers that might want to steal their gold. Only the adventurers can mine gold and they must be fast, as only the first couple of players to reach a mining claim are allowed to do so.

Players from both factions gain a reputation for each kill, with the increase depending on the amount of gold carried by the killed player. The level of reputation, together with experience gained from completing tasks and quests, affects your character’s fighting, movement, and mining skills.

Depending on the selected factions, there are three different classes with their own skill sets and specializations. To know more about the factions and their class system, click here.

A thriving digital economy

Independently of the chosen factions, players can expect a fun and exciting experience full of endless possibilities.

Gold Fever can be played in several different ways, allowing gamers to become full-blown cannibals or gold mining tycoons. Once you acquire your first mining license, for example, you can start building your own empire by forging alliances and hiring a crew of other Adventurers to mine gold for you.

It is also possible to become a business owner, unleashing your capitalist ambitions by acquiring virtual real estate. Buildings and infrastructures like staples and airfields are up for grabs, allowing owners to sell services such as vehicle repairs or horse rentals to other players.

Stables: Used to train, nourish and breed horses. Stables allow players to buy, rent, or lend companions to help them in their journey throughout the promised land.

Imagine a gaming environment where NPCs selling items or services are “employees”, working on the behalf of business owners. Players who own stores, for example, will be able to determine what items the NPC is allowed to sell, at what prices, and what resources the store periodically gathers.

Another option is to become a scavenger, looking for the most valuable loot to craft rare and expensive items. All items can be traded between players and easily exchanged for crypto in the marketplace, as everything you own, from items, mining licenses, or buildings, are all unique NFT that can be sold or traded.

Thanks to Gold Fever’s dynamic economy, players can play specific roles like shop owners, repair mechanics, or become gold tycoons and be financially rewarded as if it was an actual profession.

About Gold Fever

Gold Fever is a challenging free-to-play RPG that leverages the power of the blockchain with the creation of a decentralized economy.

Gold Fever, in its essence, is a thrilling and addictive online multiplayer video game, mirroring the physical world into the digital one and allowing players to take actual ownership of scarce in-game items through Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

The Gold Fever economy is a junction of many moving parts that are dynamically adjusted. in Gold Fever, all participants have a seat at the table. Being able to vote and to dictate the future of the game through the governance token. Used for proposals on how to improve/evolve this digital world economy.

Do not miss your chance to join us in the rush for gold. Follow us on Telegram, Twitter, and Discord.

