Gold Fever — The Promised Land

A shy attempt to change the reason you play games

Gold Fever
Gold Fever — The Game
6 min readMar 14, 2021


Game in a nutshell.

Enter the heart of darkness with Gold Fever: The Promised Land, an MMO that pushes the boundaries of open-world survival games.

Gold Fever is a dark, all-out, third-person gold rush simulation game where stealth techniques, fighting skills, strategic decisions and loyal friends could help you get past the horrors hiding in the mist.

This is the “The Game” that all the crypto community awaits because it merges fun and adventure with blockchain technology to create the ideal balance between mass adoption and economic token utility.

Beautifully designed, the action is placed in a tropical rainforest containing stunning rivers, mountainous regions and ruthless untouched wilderness. The colossal virtual 3D world, consisting of a mainland area and several surrounding islands, will host fast pacing battles between opponents.

Leveraging cryptocurrency and blockchain power, we created a decentralised experience fueled by real-world value and the opportunity to access a living economy combined with a player-owned and governed ecosystem.

Concepts of true ownership, scarcity through Non-Fungible-Tokens, and DEFI are seamlessly applied throughout the whole in-game economy.

The plot and how you fit in.

Julius Princeton started the new gold rush when he was assigned to be a missionary in the new lands but instead found a gold packed environment guarded by native tribes.
On one of his first prospecting trips, he and his entire troop got captured by natives. Forced to partake in mind-altering drugs and the cannibalism of his companions, he experiences a vision that entices him to serve the native’s God.

Opening a prospecting company called “Princeton Gold Corporation”, he infects adventurers from all over the world with gold fever, forcing them into conflict with the natives. The wilderness becomes a blood-soaked war zone as players fight for gold, land, and their very survival.

Adventurers try to find gold and get rich, while the offended Tribes, helped by Julius in secrecy, are ready to defend their ancestral gold.
But always remember: in the Promised Land, the weak are just food for the strong.

You can select among the Faction of Adventurer or Tribe and many roles with widely varying strengths and weaknesses among them, setting up intense and highly strategic fights.

Adventurer roles include:

  • Prospector, Hunter, Medic

Tribals will be:

  • Warrior, Sorcerer, Forager

Read more about Faction & Classes

Game Systems and Mechanics

Gold Fever features a rich and complex survival system composed of mainly four elements:

  • Health
  • Energy
  • Food
  • Water

Conditions and side effects influence the attributes and can be beneficial, neutral or harmful. A simple example is a character starving, hungry, or overly full, affecting its health and energy in different ways.

Dehydration, bleeding, an overdose of medication, blindness, dizziness are all conditions, to name a few, and many combinations can coincide.

Each Faction has its separate talent tree, and players learn and improve different skills like:

  • Hunting Wild Animals, Cooking Food, Fishing
  • Mining, Panning, Prospecting
  • Gathering Herbs, Cutting Trees
  • Tribal Medicine, Medicine
  • Using different Weapons

Most actions will reward Experience and award talent points when they reach a certain threshold. Your Character also gets measured by Reputation depending on performance in battle and the quantity of gold he accumulates. Some skills allow veteran players to share their knowledge with others through storytelling or writing.

NFTs — Empowering you with true ownership

Gold Fever integrates real ownership and scarcity of game items with all the advantages of blockchain technology.

Most of the weapons, artefacts, specialised mining equipment, characters themselves, and Mining Claims are represented by NFTs (ERC-1155).

Our NFTs represent collectable skins, valuable items, or NFTs with passive income. You can build or purchase a variety of functional infrastructure, enabling you and your fellow gamers to thrive as a crucial part of the game world, owning:

  • Shops and Banks
  • Bars, Restaurants and Hotels
  • Stables, Landing Strips, or Boat Piers.

Read more about how we use FTs & NFTs

YOU do matter — Governance and player-driven ecosystem.

You can influence how the game will develop in time.

The company distributes a governance token called Julius’s Brain (JBR, ERC-20) based on an algorithm considering different parameters like:

  • Game involvement
  • NGL token usage
  • Acquired rights
  • Reputation
  • Many more

The token measures the voting right on individual resolutions and subjects surrounding the game and its mechanics.

Inject real-world value into the game economy.

Initially, you advance through a tutorial mode, playing Arenas supplied and funded by the company itself.

To assign real-world value to an Arena, you can invest Fiat money or cryptocurrency to buy a Mining Claim, including the rights to exploit the containing gold representing your investment.

The gold takes the form of NGL, Gold Fever’s native, fungible token (ERC-20). Initiate your Claim as an Arena and offer it to Adventurers to play and mine the gold under certain conditions. Other players pay you to access the gold in the arenas gaining wealth in exchange for work.

Tribes can join the arena and get rewarded by the company with measures like kills, items destroyed, and Reputation they gather, amongst other things.

The real-world value of NGL is generated by high demand, buying power itself, scarcity and difficulty of extraction.

Read more about the Game World

Use gold to get privileges and fuel the ecosystem.

A crucial part of Gold Fever is to acquire rights and certain privileges.

This game mechanic is based on lock or burn of your NGL earned or bought in exchange for perks. Locking is a temporary act with tokens recoverable anytime.

Burning removes your NGL permanently from the game and deflates the global supply resulting in higher benefits than just a simple temporal lock.

The compensations you get range from discounts on in-game items to a merchant license or the right to create guilds.

As a merchant, you are allowed to maintain shops and sell for profit.

The level of rights and privileges is directly proportional to the amount you lock or burn indicated by tiers.

Gamified DeFi enters the ring.

Gold Fever enables you to rent, borrow, buy or sell NFT items or services on our marketplace. The world of decentralised finance is 100% mirrored into our ecosystem.

The below examples reflect only a tiny part of the opportunities and possibilities:

  • Through lending, you can authorise your NGL to be used by other players to obtain rights and privileges associated with locking. The receiving party only gets the right to use your token and is not able to sell them. As a lender, you earn the interest generated by the transaction completely secured through multi-signature escrow accounts.
  • Your NFTs are also used as collateral to loan NGL if you need some quick cash. In case of default, the lender becomes the sole owner of the NFT.
  • Renting your items for a flat fee and a fixed period is a lucrative endeavour. Imagine buying an expensive plane to reach your Mining Claims. As a savvy businessman, you offset the cost and decide to borrow your aircraft and charge others for the use.

Reaching the ultimate fusion of traditional and crypto gamers.

Gold Fever utilises a virtual coin called JUL (NOT a cryptocurrency) attainable with regular fiat money to comply with requirements to process microtransactions in the gaming industry. You can also use JUL to purchase goods and list your items in return for JUL on the marketplace.

It will allow for distribution on Steam and other platforms to establish a robust and essential player base.

The Gamers not yet comfortable with blockchain can be eased toward the marvellous crypto world to appreciate the benefits and learn to enjoy them.

Note: Gold Fever is currently in an early development stage, and details are subject to change.

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