The Gold Fever token sale is coming soon on DAOMaker!

Gold Fever
Gold Fever — The Game
3 min readJun 2, 2021

We are happy to announce that the Gold Fever Initial Strong Holder Offering (SHO) will soon take place on the Dao Maker platform. While we don’t have a definitive date for the token sale even yet, we’d like to tell you a bit more about our choice to delay the SHO date.

As our community grows, having now reached 13 000 followers on Twitter and over 7 000 in Telegram, Gold Fever has proven to be the game the crypto and gaming community awaits. It merges entertainment and adventure with blockchain technology, creating the ideal harmony between adoption and economic token utility.

So, why was the SHO postponed?

After much deliberation we have decided to postpone our token sale. While we don’t have a specific date in sight, we want to make sure that the community is informed. As such, we have collectively decided to highlight the issues that have led us to this decision and to share them with our supporters.

This desire is related not only to the game play itself and to the in-game economics. We felt like there were things we can improve on and have decided to push back the date of the SHO in order to do so. As a bootstrapped project, this comes at a great expense to the founders and early backers.

However, we feel that this decision will provide the community with more value both in the long and short term. Players will have access to a superior economic system within the game as we still need to improve some things in our current stake/burn mechanism, not only in the contracts implemented, but also the definitive Rights.

As so, we have decided to spend some more time working on this and ensuring we deliver the perfect merging experience for our users and making sure all details are flawless before going public. We believe that it is better to make sure everything is place rather than to rush the project. In the meantime, you can check out the gameplay trailer here.

When will the IDO take place?

Gold Fevers’ launch on the DaoMaker will be delayed until further notice. No further date has been announced at this time, but make sure you follow us on Telegram, Twitter, and Discord for any updates.

About Gold Fever

Gold Fever is a challenging free-to-play RPG that leverages the power of the blockchain with the creation of a decentralized economy.

Gold Fever, in its essence, is a thrilling and addictive online multiplayer video game, mirroring the physical world into the digital one and allowing players to take actual ownership of scarce in-game items through Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

The Gold Fever economy is a junction of many moving parts that are dynamically adjusted. in Gold Fever, all participants have a seat at the table. Being able to vote and to dictate the future of the game through the governance token. Used for proposals on how to improve/evolve this digital world economy.

Do not miss your chance to join us in the rush for gold. Follow us on Telegram, Twitter, and Discord.

About DAO Maker

Launched in 2017, Dao Maker is a platform for retail ventures and investors looking to invest in equity and tokens. It provides low-risk participation frameworks that enables individuals to get involved in venture capital.

The Launchpad has seen great success and has already launched multiple successful crypto projects. It works as an incubator for start-ups in the crypto sphere, gathering the necessary funding to get projects off the ground.

With Dao Maker’s positive track record, a lot of attention will now be placed on where the platform will progress and which projects will prevail.

Note: Gold Fever is currently in an early development stage, and details are subject to change.

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