How to become a member of GOLD.IO community?

Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2018

GOLD.IO is as special as gold itself and will provide each of its community members the unique power to influence the project development and operations right from the very beginning. The “on-chain democracy” powered by EOSIO-based voting mechanism will make sure that each voice is heard and each opinion matters.

All the decisions on tokens listing, fees, integrations, development, terms and conditions will be made through on-chain voting, thus creating a self-supported and self-governed system.

So, how can one become a member of the GOLD.IO community? The hybrid model of GOLD.IO is built for it to unite like-minded individuals, and the opportunities are open to the holders of the key cryptocurrencies.

To become GOLD.IO community member one needs GIO tokens. Native tokens of GOLD.IO, GIO tokens provide access to all the functions of the system and in future will be used in dApps across all the sidechains created.

At the current moment, there are only 2 opportunities to become GIO tokens holder: by buying them at the initial funding stage (December 2018 — February 2019) or obtaining through the hybrid EOS airdrop (starting in February 2019).

Majority of GIO tokens is reserved for the special lockdrop: GIO will be airdropped to the EOS wallets addresses, and the owners of those addresses will be able to unlock them with a small commission fee (~3% at the first stages of the airdrop, later the commission fee will be defined by the GOLD.IO community through voting). All the tokens unclaimed will be burned, thus diminishing the token supply.

Only from December till mid-January 2018 there’s an opportunity to become a GIO token holder with a super-significant bonus. A limited amount of tokens is on offer to be purchased by BTC, ETH and EOS holders, experienced investors and cryptonovices.

The process of purchasing those tokens is very simple and only requires your e-mail address and EOS wallet. Scatter is one of the most popular EOS wallets, but you can use any other tool of your choice.

You will have to provide your e-mail and EOS wallet address where GIO tokens will be sent, and you will get a confirmation e-mail. On the GOLD.IO web-site, there are video instructions and links which will guide you through the entire process. Please take into account that due to a limited number of GIO tokens distributed during this stage the number of transactions one can execute from a unique e-mail address is limited to 3 and the minimum value of GIO tokens purchased is equal to 10 EOS.

