Gold is good money. It preserves your purchasing power better than any other currency in the world. Goldmoney, the world’s gold savings and payments network, allows users to securely buy, save, send and spend — in gold. It’s the easiest, fastest, and least expensive way to own 100%-reserved physical gold bullion, which you can access at any time. Open your free @Goldmoney-inc account today.

Freedom to choose money.

For everyone. Everywhere.

Nigel Mark Dias
Published in
4 min readFeb 10, 2018


Instead of being denominated in a fiat currency, like USD or CNY, a Goldmoney account is backed by physical, redeemable gold, silver, platinum & palladium. Stored under bailment. Fully insured, in vaults around the world.

As Goldmoney Inc is publicly traded, all stakeholders have complete financial transparency.

Goldmoney is like an online bank account.

You either believe in magic or you believe in math. If you believe in math, buy gold.

You can use your Goldmoney account like PayPal.

Make payments & transfers, in the fiat currency universe through a prepaid debit Goldmoney Mastercard.

You can even withdraw cash using your Goldmoney Mastercard from an ATM!

With Goldmoney you use gold, safely & securely, at very affordable rate: half a percent to buy; half a percent to sell.

Goldmoney provides a turnkey service to hold insured, audited, cold-stored bitcoin.

Use Goldmoney’s turnkey service to hold insured, audited, cold-stored bitcoin.

Your straddling of both digital currencies & gold with Goldmoney, faciltates using both crypto & gold as money, legally within both the legacy fiat framework & the crypto world.

Roy Sebag & Josh Crumb on ‘The Business Debate’.
Goldmoney founders, Roy Sebag & Josh Crumb, discuss how they envision the economy of the future and the role of gold & cryptocurrencies. Watch the interview on ‘The Business Debate’.

Satoshi Nakamoto understood gold.

Gold, as an element.

The history of gold.

How gold ascended as money.

Gold mining.

Satoshi understood the amount of work that goes into mining gold.

Satoshi understood that a commodity money had to have a proof of work expended.

Satoshi’s vision was digital gold.

Nick Szabo’s white paper was titled Bit Gold.

Early adopters of crypto-currencies viewed bitcoin as digital gold. Bitcoin mining was inspired by gold mining.

People’s concept of money is changing.

After the financial crisis, who still holds the assets?
What are we measuring these assets by?
Is the measure, the fiat currency a reliable benchmark? Have we solved the underlying problem of counter-party risk?

What is going on in the currency market turmoil?

If the fiat world crashes, you are safe, with a Goldmoney account.

The idea of commodity money is coming back.

You do not have to use government currency.

You can use other forms of currency & money.

Exter's pyramid.

Exter’s pyramid was conventional wisdom, as recently as 1973.
Gold is the tip of Exter’s inverted pyramid.

Exter’s original, upside-down debt pyramid balanced on the world’s existing known quantity of gold, which at that time was a block representing about 140,000 metric tons. He put gold outside the pyramid because it represented the only real money in the world; it had no liability against it and it was the only asset refuge that could not default or be arbitrarily devalued in a crisis. In the Exter scenario, at some point people would lose faith in the financial system and move down the money pyramid to cash and then outside the pyramid entirely and into gold. So he envisioned the price of gold would be rising against all currencies as the value of debt and other securities declined.

John Butler & Barry Downs, A banker for all seasons: the life and times of John Exter — champion of sound money

John Exter’s inverted pyramid cascades down to gold.

John Exter, towards the end of his life, described the world’s central banks as having entered a period resembling the last act of a Greek tragedy. The playwrights were John Maynard Keynes and Milton Freedman. Central bank governors and the politicians who enable those governors will end up as the cast of characters disgraced and blamed for the impending disaster.

John Butler & Barry Downs, A banker for all seasons: the life and times of John Exter — champion of sound money

The laws of physics enforce gold’s performance; not any economist.

What does the market show?

Look at the market. Ask why?

Ignore people talking about the market & ivory tower talking heads & academia.

Money, as a technology, is always changing.

Compare gold to other forms of money.

Goldmoney founders Josh Crumb & Roy Sebag.


Freedom for everyone, everywhere to choose their money.

What do you think?

