GOLD Writing — Showing You, Not Telling You How It’s Done

How These Simple Things Can Make Your Writing Shine.

Each keeps you out of your publication editor’s hair and can make you the newest writer on the block.

Graham D. Cooke
GOLD Writing
Published in
6 min readApr 6, 2022


This is extremely important to writing and very much so on online where certain rules must be followed.

Selecting any of the images above will direct the reader to the link embedded into each image created by author.

NOTE: Each four individual images above are in a grid space in which Medium allows writers to load more than one image at the same time. I am taking advantage to embed links to specific locations in each image.

Please note that selecting my own portrait image will direct a Medium reader to my own Facebook author page, while each other image redirects to one of three Medium publications in which I am Managing Editor.

Since the images are combined in their grid, no Alt-text is capable.

I almost was going to write a rant when I first started.
But I thought better of it, since I knew that could offend some people.



Graham D. Cooke
GOLD Writing

Accidental published author 🧔 Technical writer & editor (25+ years) ... Medium editor (14 pubs) 🕵 ”"