GOLD Writing — Medium Profile Advice

Lists & Pinned Profile Stories

Read and take heed, for when you are in need.

Graham D. Cooke
GOLD Writing


Caucasian male, with short grey hair and beard, well groomed, speaking through a text call-out, “ Hey! Listen up! Got something — just for you.”
Author selfie and generated graphic

Extra Bonus #1 — Re: Lists

You have Lists; don’t you? The “tab” that sits between Profile and About?
Don’t have Lists? Start using them now! For an idea how, go check out my:
(a quick September 1, 3 minute, ⭐ “Member-only” story)

Use Lists to the best of your ability. Just don’t go overboard …!

Extra Bonus #2 — Re: Pinned Index

You have your stories on your profile. Some stories can be pinned to the top.
However, you are limited to a maximum five (5) stories to pin.

So, how do you get around that ….
Create your own quick curated index which you can regularly update.

Again, look at my profile for an example.
Look directly at the top.
Open it for further links or select links inside directly from where it sits.

Visit my (zero 💲💲) Medium profile “About” to learn more about me.
This way it doesn’t add to 💲 read time here or there, unless you choose more.
2022© All Rights Reserved. (Graham Cooke)



Graham D. Cooke
GOLD Writing

Accidental published author 🧔 Technical writer & editor (25+ years) ... Medium editor (14 pubs) 🕵 ”"