The 3 main reasons why Portugal’s Passport Ranks Top 15 in 2024

Artur Saraiva
Goldcrest Portugal Buyers Agent
3 min readJan 15, 2024

Have you ever wondered where you could find not only a passport but a lifestyle that ranks among the top 15 in the world for quality of life? Well, the answer might just be closer than you think. Recently, I stumbled upon an intriguing index that highlighted Portugal’s passport as a key player in the pursuit of a fulfilling life. In this article, I am thrilled to share with you the remarkable findings from the Global Citizen Solutions´ Quality of Life Index and why Portugal’s passport stands out as an ideal choice for those seeking a better life.

According to data-driven analysis by Global Citizen Solutions, the Portuguese passport has secured an impressive spot in the top 15 worldwide for quality of life in 2024. With a total score of 79.9, it claims the thirteenth position globally. What sets it apart are its “very high” scores for sustainable development and freedom, along with a “high” score for migrant acceptance. Here I will share the three main reasons why the Portuguese offer such a welcoming community and lifestyle.

  1. An Example in Eco-Friendly Practices

Portugal has earned its positive reputation for sustainable development by spearheading initiatives in renewable energy, particularly in wind and solar power. The nation is actively working towards ambitious net-zero goals, positioning itself as a frontrunner in eco-friendly practices. From pristine beaches to picturesque national parks, Portugal values its natural beauty and safeguards it through sustainable tourism and extensive conservation efforts.

2. Freedom, Civil Liberties and Migrant Acceptance

Portugal’s commitment to freedom is evident in its consistent high rankings in worldwide assessments. The nation upholds political rights and civil liberties through its robust democratic institutions. Additionally, Portugal’s “high” score for migrant acceptance showcases its openness to welcoming immigrants. The country supports integration initiatives, especially for refugees and unaccompanied minors, offering access to language learning, job training, and housing.

3. Opportunities for International Relocation

Combining factors such as sustainable development, freedom, and migrant acceptance, Portugal emerges as an ideal option for individuals and families exploring opportunities for international relocation. The government’s various visa programs and integration initiatives. This inclusivity caters to a diverse range of migrant categories, including retirees, digital nomads, investors, and entrepreneurs.

In conclusion, Portugal’s passport has not only secured its place in the top 15 for quality of life but has also become a symbol of environmental consciousness, freedom, and acceptance.

Whether you’re dreaming of a new home in pristine landscapes, vibrant cities, or a welcoming community, Portugal offers a unique blend of opportunities. So, if you’re considering a change in scenery and quality of life, Portugal might just be the key to unlocking your dreams.

