Golden Sands is saved!

Good prevails over Evil

Jeff Onan
Golden Sands Blogpost
Jun 9, 2022


With 53.2% of the efforts, Merrick’s band of merchants have won the day, doing more to #SaveGoldenSands than the Reapers did to destroy it!

In the near term, this will soon mean that the fog around the outpost will be lifted, the vendors will return to their posts, and Golden Sands Outpost will return as a location we can spawn at and deliver treasure to. Longer term, what will this mean for the Reapers, for the Servant of the Flame, and for the forces of Flameheart? They surely aren’t going to take this defeat lightly, and we’ll need to remain vigilant of their plots to come, but for today, we get to breathe easy knowing that we won an important battle in the war for the Sea of Thieves.

