Submit Your Story to Golden in Three Easy Steps

Published in
2 min readDec 24, 2020


Photo by Tiago Muraro on Unsplash

1. Take a look at our guidelines

What to avoid

  • Already-published stories: we prefer original work, but if you want to submit something that’s already been published, feel free to!
  • Clickbait headlines: e.g., “These 3 things will change your life”.
  • Heavy self-promotion: talking about your business or accomplishments is OK but don’t let it be in an unsavory way

Topics we’re interested in

  • Maturing + Technology: One of the most consequential changes in our society is the emergence of new technologies that have forever altered how we interact with each other and do things in our daily lives. We want to hear your thoughts on this as a blossoming senior and how this has impacted you.
  • Maturing + Politics: Politics has become front and center within all our lives in the last couple of years. We want to know your take on these recent developments.
  • Maturing + Media: Our media landscape has changed dramatically, and with greater accessibility, it becomes difficult to access the facts. We want to hear your thoughts on this.
  • Maturing + Care: Perceptions about elderly care often obscure the thoughts and feelings of the individual who is receiving care. We want to know what the process has been like for you personally, whether by yourself or with support from friends and family.
  • Maturing + Whatever you think is interesting! We love a great story.

2. How We Compensate Writers:

  • Once a week, we send out a long-form story to all of our subscribers (our feature story). We pay $30–$100 for this story. Otherwise, each story published in this publication will be given maximized reach so that you can earn through the partner program!

3. Submit your Stories to the Email Below:

You can submit your stories to this email:

Thank you, and we’re looking forward to your submissions!

