Goldfinch provides Tugende with a $5M debt facility to scale its operations in Kenya

Obinna Okwodu
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2021

We are excited to share that the Goldfinch protocol has provided Tugende, an East-African asset-financing fintech company, with a $5M borrower pool to fund the growth of its operations in Kenya.




Borrower Pool

$5M, Pool Link


Tugende is tackling the credit gap for small businesses in Africa by enabling informal entrepreneurs to:

  1. own income-generating assets,
  2. build a verifiable digital credit profile with Tugende based on real-world earnings, and
  3. earn future growth opportunities through the Tugende digital platform, including discounts, smartphones, e-commerce opportunities, and on-demand credit lines.

Starting with motorcycle taxis in Uganda and Kenya, Tugende has served over 52,000 clients on their path to ownership and increased earnings while maintaining industry-leading portfolio quality with loan loss rates under 1%. Today, Tugende’s primary customers are motorcycle taxi (boda-boda) operators. In a market where the norm is for operators to rent motorcycles at exorbitant costs, the company provides affordable asset financing that allows these operators to own their motorcycles — doubling their profits from $5/day to $10/day. Their asset finance packages also include life and medical insurance, high-quality safety gear, training, and business permits.

Below are a few key facts on Tugende:

  • They have financed over $50M worth of income-generating assets with loan loss rates under 1%
  • They have over 28,000 active clients
  • 21,000 assets have already been fully owned by alumni clients
  • They employ over 750 full-time staff in Kenya and Uganda

You can learn more about Tugende here

