Goldup Portrait, Dénénodji M’Bondjim

Alice Zagury
Published in
3 min readJul 28, 2019

💎 By discovering the reality of other women entrepreneurs, in their plain truth or through the stories they tell, we can accept ourselves better and create other facets of ambition.

🍉 This series gives you a glimpse of who the women participating in Goldup are, as they have a great time travelling toward their dreams.

👋🏾Let’s meet Dénénodji M’Bondjim

✨ What was the spark that pushed you to sign up for Goldup?

I needed a break, I was so close to quitting my job, but I felt that there were still some things to do and that I needed some time before making a final decision. Goldup was a breath of fresh air, a way to earn money during my transitional phase toward a new project.

🙀 Biggest fear in doing this project?

It’s not really a fear, but just a thought, realizing that I needed to change my state of mind. Finding a project that would simply let me earn money, sure, theoretically it’s something anyone can do, but I had to admit that I’d never done it. Goldup’s promise piqued my curiosity…

💜 What’s the most satisfying thing in it?

My project at Goldup is a muse, selling infusions and honey with CBD to help you relax. It’s a way to let me keep moving on to other projects without worrying about where the money for the month is coming from.

🌟 One key moment “Wooow!” at Goldup?

It didn’t take a long time before it happened — the opening talk from Alice and then the talk on our mindset about money was like snapping your fingers, it flipped my thinking like a crêpe! Seeing young women with the same questions as me, who take responsibility for their desire to make money while also launching a project that respects their values and without taking up time worrying about asking permission or how to manage it all… I was there listening and all I wanted to do was find a product to sell! But it was just 11:00 am on the first day, so I figured I’d wait to hear what everyone else had to say — I haven’t been disappointed ;)

🕵️‍♀️ A story you never expected with a client?

In my life managing property, I’ve had all sorts of crazy stuff… I discovered that the word “service” doesn’t really mean the same thing to everyone, and that it’s important to be very clear about what I can and can’t do. Otherwise I’d find myself again being forced to take care of cats (which terrify me), or explaining that phone calls after midnight are *only* for emergencies, and that where to find a bottle opener is a question that doesn’t fit into that category…

🔦 What have you learned about yourself?

  1. That I don’t have a list of qualities and defects, that both of those just go into making up who I am. Things that I see as a defect, I have to just take responsibility for them, otherwise they can be used against me. For example, I have a tendency to accept an offer too quickly, without really thinking about what it’s committing me to — that lets me get started really quickly with clients, but it can put me in uncomfortable situations. So now I accept that part of me, I don’t blame myself for it, and I work to make sure that I have a clear list of things I do / don’t do that I can give to a client, so there aren’t any surprises.
  2. How important it is to have others around you, to not feel alone, to have caring people around and a network of peers who are sharing in the adventure. It’s not always easy, and people don’t always have that in their immediate circle of friends and family.
  3. That my business isn’t who I am.

Ok, I’ll stop, I’ve learned a lot of things.

👑 When you were a young girl, what did you dream of becoming?

Whenever someone talked about what they did and really made you feel their passion for it, I wanted to do that — so I had lots of very different dreams!

🐚 What would you say about Goldup?

At a certain point, it’s just time to JUUUUUUMP! Trust yourself, it’ll be ok, you’re not alone! I feel so lucky, and I want to share :)

