Goldup Portrait, Leire Elhazaz

Alice Zagury
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2019

💎 By discovering the reality of other women entrepreneurs, in their plain truth or through the stories they tell, we can accept ourselves better and create other facets of ambition.

🍉 This series gives you a glimpse of who the women participating in Goldup are, as they have a great time travelling toward their dreams.

👋🏾Let’s meet Leire Elhazaz

✨ What was the spark that pushed you to sign up for Goldup?

Finally, a program that would make our projects grow through practical empowerment, getting us to work and giving us the tools we need to succeed.

☝🏾Pitch your company in one line…

We make sustainable personal choices like a zero-waste lifestyle accessible to all, as easy as today’s consumerism.

🙀 Biggest fear in doing this project?

The embarrassment of failing, or proving that I don’t have what it takes to build a company — basically facing my own limitations.

💜 What’s the most satisfying thing in it?

Taking real risks and actions to turn my ideas into a reality.

🌟 One key moment “Wooow!” at Goldup?

Every interaction with the goldies. Every time, they’re willing to listen and help, finding solutions together.

🕵️‍♀️ A story you never expected with a client?

I don’t have any clients yet, but I’ve gotten some very positive feedback from people who I thought didn’t really care, which let me see how my ideas have changed people’s lives around me.

🔦 What have you learned about yourself?

That I can add something of value.

👑 When you were a young girl, what did you dream of becoming?

I always wanted to build, create — architect, artist. Funny though, I never considered building companies.

🐚 What would you say about Goldup?

It’s the place if you want to explore, fail, and thrive.

