MĂ©lanie leads Goldup !

Alice Zagury
Published in
5 min readOct 24, 2019

🇬🇧 English version below

J’ai rencontrĂ© Melanie DINANE il y un an, lors d’un dinner de femmes entrepreneurs orchestrĂ© par Emilie Maret qui s’occupait Ă  l’époque d’accueillir les startups dans The Family et cherchait Ă  augmenter le nombre de femmes. MĂ©lanie Ă©tait la cofondatrice de Pyxo, une solution qui permet de manger dans des contenants rĂ©utilisables.

Cette jeune guyanaise est arrivĂ©e Ă  Paris pour suivre des Ă©tudes de droit public Ă  la Sorbonne. Elle a passĂ© Barreau, mis la robe et conseillĂ© des MinistĂšres comme de grandes entreprises publiques. Rapidement, elle a compris qu’elle voulait ĂȘtre au coeur de l’action, du coup elle s’est lancĂ©e dans l’aventure entrepreneuriale avec Pyxo.

Quand on s’est revues, Pyxo avançait bien, des centaines de plats Ă©taient servis en entreprises avec un rĂ©seau de restaurants partenaires qu’elle avait Ă©tĂ© convaincre elle-mĂȘme, un par un. Elle sentait pourtant que sa place Ă©tait ailleurs, tandis que ses associĂ©s Ă©taient dĂ©terminĂ©s Ă  continuer sur leur lancĂ©e.

Cette expĂ©rience lui a fait prendre conscience qu’il y avait un soucis dans l’entrepreneuriat : qu’elle se rende Ă  un meeting de nĂ©gociation, dans une foire professionnelle ou Ă  un Ă©vĂ©nement dĂ©diĂ© aux entrepreneurs, les fondatrices se comptaient sur les doigts de la main. Ce n’est pas une surprise, mais pour elle, c’était un problĂšme. C’est d’ailleurs Ă  ce moment lĂ  qu’elle a commencĂ© Ă  frĂ©quenter des rĂ©seaux de femmes entrepreneurs.

Quand je lui ai dit que je cherchais une entrepreneuse pour diriger GOLDUP, il y a comme une lumiĂšre qui s’est allumĂ©e dans ses yeux

Elle n’a pas hĂ©sitĂ©. C’est donc MĂ©lanie qui a menĂ© le bootcamp Goldup de Septembre. C’était un bonheur !

On fonctionne souvent en 3 temps Ă  The Family, quand on travaille avec quelqu’un de nouveau : (1) plongĂ©e directe dans l’opĂ©rationnel, et si c’est possible, on fait tout Ă  deux,
(2) On laisse l‘autre prendre de plus en plus de responsabilitĂ©s, jusqu’à (3) laisser les rĂȘnes et n’ĂȘtre plus qu’un support.

Elle apprend Ă  gĂ©rer une communautĂ© qui peut-ĂȘtre exigeante, engagĂ©e, hyper active, pleine de rĂȘves
 Elle ne se lasse pas d’écouter les histoires des participantes et voit toujours le potentiel, mĂȘme quand il se cache derriĂšre une grande dose d’insĂ©curitĂ© !

Aux cĂŽtĂ©s d’un partenaire au top — la team Shopify, MĂ©lanie a pour mission de faire de Goldup un programme de folie. Si c’est bien parti, on a encore du pain sur la planche pour faire dĂ©coller ce programme Ă  hauteur de son ambition et passer de 120 femmes accompagnĂ©es Ă  1 000, ailleurs qu’à Paris, peut-ĂȘtre en ligne, on verra, MĂ©lanie verra ;)

Envie de connecter avec MĂ©lanie ? Melanie@goldup.co

English Version

I first met Melanie DINANE a year ago at a dinner for female entrepreneurs organized by Emilie Maret, who at the time was welcoming startups at The Family and working to increase the number of women involved in entrepreneurship. Melanie was the co-founder of Pyxo, a solution for providing meals in reusable containers.

Originally from Guyana, Melanie told me how she came to Paris to continue her studies in public law at the Sorbonne. She passed the bar, put on her robe, and advised both government ministries and large public corporations. But she quickly saw that she wanted to be closer to the action, and so she threw herself into entrepreneurship with Pyxo.

When we next met, Pyxo was doing well, with hundreds of meals being served and a network of restaurant partners that she had managed to convince herself, one by one. Still, she felt that her place was elsewhere, even though her associates were determined to keep pushing.

Her experiences made her realize that there was a problem in entrepreneurship — when she showed up at a meeting, or at a professional trade show, or at an event for entrepreneurs, the female founders could be counted on one hand. It wasn’t a surprise, but she realized that for her it was a real problem. That’s when she started going to more and more meetups for women.And when I told her we were looking for an entrepreneur to run Goldup, the light immediately started shining in her eyes

That’s why it has been MĂ©lanie leading the Goldup bootcamp since September. And it’s been awesome!

At The Family, we often have three phases when working with someone new:
(1) Putting them directly into operations; when possible, we work together with them as a pair, (2) We give the new person more and more space and responsibility, until
(3) The reins come off and the rest of us are there only as support.

She’s learning how to manage a community that can be demanding, engaged, super active, full of big dreams
 She never gets tired of listening to their stories and experiences and she always sees their potential, even when it’s sometimes hidden behind a big wall of insecurities!

MĂ©lanie’s mission is to make Goldup a can’t-miss program. It’s a mission that has started well thanks to the team at Shopify.
But there’s still a lot of room for Goldup to take off and find its true potential, to go from having helped 120 women to helping 1000 women, and not just in Paris but all over

We’ll see where it can go next , actually, MĂ©lanie will see where it can go next!


