Brass Golem Alpha2 0.13.0

Aleksandra Skrzypczak
The Golem Project
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2018
Rubber duck debugging is commonly used by Golem devs.

We are happy to announce the new release of Golem 0.13.0. This releases supports new version of Golem payment contracts and contains several protocol improvements. And general bugfixing.

As usual we encourage you to follow the progress of our project on Golem Kanban, download and test the newest release, as well as provide us with feedback, so that we can keep improving Golem. For more details and troubleshooting, please visit the official GitHub repository.

More detailed changelog:


  • New version of contracts connected with golem
  • Blender version updated to 2.79
  • Only task owner can now broadcast task cancellation to the network
  • Increased key difficulty built up in public key
  • Key difficulty is now also checked in task session
  • Simplified subtask definition sent to provider
  • Modification in hello message handling
  • Additional subtask status “verifying”added
  • Address list generation refactored
  • Tuned verification function
  • Information about user caps displayed in logs
  • Warning about desynchronized clock is displayed in log


  • Support for TransferRateFailure to request Concent’s forced download
  • ForceReportComputeTask message is properly handled


  • Minimum application size re-defined
  • Multiple instance problem fixed on Windows
  • Application log path changed as the default golem log path
  • GUI version information added
  • RPC communication fixes and improvements
  • UX Fixes
  • Minor design updates

Upgrading to Brass Golem Alpha2 0.13.0

You can find detailed information here:

  • macOS
brew update
brew upgrade golem
brew cask upgrade golem
sudo chown root:wheel $(brew --prefix)/opt/docker-machine-driver-xhyve/bin/docker-machine-driver-xhyve
sudo chmod u+s $(brew --prefix)/opt/docker-machine-driver-xhyve/bin/docker-machine-driver-xhyve
  • Ubuntu
    Download the installation script from here. In terminal, run
    chmod +x && ./
  • Windows
    Download and execute the installer from here.

If you encounter any errors please let us know on testers channel at or write an email to

