Brass Golem Beta 0.16.0

Aleksandra Skrzypczak
The Golem Project
Published in
3 min readJun 6, 2018

We are happy to announce the new release of Golem Brass Beta 0.16.0.

Important! This version introduces changes to the Golem protocol and uses different cryptographic methods for signing and serializing messages so it’s not compatible with the previous Golem versions. Nodes running 0.16.0 would be able to only compute tasks from nodes that are running this updated version.

Brass Beta 0.16.0 improves the general performance of the network, and additionally, of the entire application. Moreover, it also introduces new interesting features for requestors:

  • Requestors can now define the minimal performance of the providers’ machines. For example, this can be used to ensure their task will be computed only on machines that are stronger than their own ones.
  • Requestors can now set a different number of samples per pixel than the one that is set by default in the scene, from within the Golem interface.

To be noted, the testnet version of 0.16.0 will feature our Concent service enabled by default. However, not all use-cases for it will be enabled.

Please update your Golem version to this latest one, to ensure you will be using the network at its full capacities to date.

Adam Wierzbicki working on message encryption

As per usual, we encourage you to follow our project’s progress on the Golem Kanban, download and test this latest release.

Most importantly, we would like to remark that your feedback matters, as it plays a key part for us to continue improving Golem.

For more details and troubleshooting, please visit the official GitHub repository.

More detailed changelog:


  • Different, optimized cryptographic methods for message signing and serializing
  • New additional settings for choosing providers based on their performance
  • Updated Terms of Use
  • Possibility to define the number of samples per pixel in Blender scenes
  • Improved verification metrics for comparing images
  • More friendly CLI options results, eg. “golemcli res show” or “golemcli task subtasks”
  • Modified runtime environment configurations
  • GNT is converted to GNTB as soon as possible: in previous versions, GNT was automatically converted to GNTB when it was necessary, Ie. when a user was trying to add a new task. From now on, we’ll be doing the conversion earlier, right when we have enough ETH to cover the gas price.
  • Bugfixes & optimizations


  • Minimal performance setting added
  • Lock Fund information added
  • New Footer
  • Malicious Node blocking system implemented
  • Terms and privacy policy updated
  • Bugfixes, UI & UX improvements


  • Concent enabled by default on Testnet
  • React to ForceSubtaskResults
  • React to SubtaksResultSettled
  • React to AckSubtaskResultVerify

Upgrading to Brass Golem Beta 0.16.0

You can find detailed information here:

  • macOS
brew update
brew upgrade golem
brew cask upgrade golem
sudo chown root:wheel $(brew --prefix)/opt/docker-machine-driver-xhyve/bin/docker-machine-driver-xhyve
sudo chmod u+s $(brew --prefix)/opt/docker-machine-driver-xhyve/bin/docker-machine-driver-xhyve
  • Ubuntu
    Download the installation script from here. In terminal, run
    chmod +x && ./
  • Windows
    Download and execute the installer from here.

If you encounter any errors please let us know in the testers channel at or write an email to

