Is It Better To Push Or Pull A Golf Cart?

R. Ali
Golfs Hub
Published in
3 min readOct 9, 2020

The purpose of both carts is the same. Both are used for carrying the weight of the tools.

The difference between push and pull cart is mainly the number of their wheels. The pull cart for golf has two wheels. On the other hand, pushcart for golf has three wheels. Two wheels in the back and one in the front part. Two-wheeled pull curt is hard to push while an extra wheel in push golf curt makes the pushing easier.

Is It Better To Push Or Pull A Golf Cart

Again, pushing is easier than pulling. It creates less pressure on the shoulder and muscles. Rather it provides extra energy to the wheels from the natural walking position. When a person carries a bag he has to use his core muscles. But while pushing a bag he does not have to use the core muscles to hold it. For this reason, it becomes easier to carry bag even while going up the hills. One feels less tired if he pushes the bag.

Moreover, a pushcart can save time where a pull cart needs more time. Because a golfer need not provide extra energy to pull a pull golf cart. He just has to push once then the cart moves. But for a pull golf cart, a golfer needs to pull it with extra effort. So it takes more time.

Advantages of pushcart and pull cart

Though pushcart and pull cart has some differences both are helpful for carrying a golfer’s tools.

● A golfer can carry his accessories very easily with these whatever either push or pull cart.

● Both push and pull cart encourages a golfer to have a great exercise which is good for the body. Because of the exercise, a golfer’s body keeps healthy and sound.

● Push or pull cart whatever a player uses that carries the weight of the golf tools. So a player becomes less fatigue and his mind remains fresh.

Disadvantages of push and pull golf cart

Besides these benefits of push and pull carts there are some disadvantages also.

● In a pushcart, a golfer may face problems with the front wheel. In this case, the pull cart helps more than pushcart.

● Though the cart helps to carry instruments easily both push and pull carts are with fewer wheels. So a golfer needs to push or pull with his hand and it burns his calories. This burning of calories makes him a bit tired that hampers his playing.

● A golfer’s legs may kick the pushcart as it goes in front of him. And while pulling a pull cart he cannot walk freely to his forward as he has to control the pull cart behind him. He has to look frequently behind whether the cart is okay.

Along with all these advantages and disadvantages, a golfer becomes confused about which cart he has to choose, golf pushcart, or pull cart. Through the experiences of the users of both these carts we can say that both push and pull carts are almost the same. There are not very distinguishable differences between these two carts. Instead of it, experts suggest using a pushcart as it has some more benefits than a pull cart.

This was originally published on Golfs Hub.



R. Ali
Golfs Hub

Golf is the closest game to the game we call life. U get bad breaks from good shots; U get good breaks from bad shots, but U have to play the ball where it lies